Hanns Linhardt

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Hanns Linhardt (born September 25, 1901 in Nuremberg ; † May 10, 1989 ) was a German economist and politician ( FDP ).

education and profession

Hanns Linhardt attended elementary school and secondary school. From 1917 to 1919 he did a commercial apprenticeship in a bank. From 1919 to 1923 he studied at the Nuremberg Commercial College , graduated from high school in 1923 and became a business graduate . Since 1921 he was a member of the Catholic student association KDStV Ostmark Nürnberg. From 1923 to 1925 he studied at the University of Frankfurt am Main ; Here he was at Wilhelm Kalveram and Fritz Schmidt to Dr. rer. pole. PhD.

Linhardt was a university assistant at the Institute for Economic and Social Sciences at the University of Münster in Westphalia from 1925 to 1928. In 1928, Werner Friedrich Bruck completed his habilitation in business administration . From 1929 to 1930 he was a Rockefeller Fellow in the United States to study.

From 1931 to 1936 he was a lecturer at the University of Münster and in 1938 he became an associate professor in Münster; since 1933 he was the sole representative of his subject in Münster. He was considered a "liberal business economist"; his relationship to National Socialism, however, is not entirely clear. On the one hand, he attracted attention through civil disobedience and contacts with his Jewish teacher, Bruck. On the other hand, he was u. a. active for the German Labor Front and the Nazi Legal Guardian Association, and acted as a liaison lecturer for the German Student Union . His support in the university town was, however, little due to his dispute with Rector Karl Gottfried Hugelmann , and he also refused to join the NSDAP . Politically reprimanded by the party in 1938, he had to resign from his teaching post with considerable pressure.

In the following years he tried to return to the faculty several times without success. The attempt to pass an auditor examination in 1939 also failed. From 1939 to 1944 he worked as an economic consultant in Münster. At the end of the Second World War he was finally a soldier in the Wehrmacht from 1944 to 1945.

After the Second World War, he worked as an economic advisor from 1945 to 1947. From 1947 he worked as a lecturer at the University of Münster and as a lecturer at the administrative academies in Essen, Bochum, Hagen and Dortmund. In 1947 the examination and public appointment as auditor took place . Nine years later he became a professor of business administration at the Nuremberg University of Economics and Social Sciences . His academic students included a. Wilhelm Bierfelder and Ehrenfried Pausenberger .


Hanns Linhardt was a member of the FDP from 1948 and became a member of the Münster City Council in the same year . In 1949 he became the first chairman of the FDP district association Münster-Stadt and a member of the executive board of the regional association of the FDP North Rhine-Westphalia .

Linhardt was from July 5, 1950 to May 25, 1951 a member of the 2nd state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia , which he entered via the state list and from which he left prematurely.


In 1953 he was involved in a legal dispute that is still unique today. The member of the Bundestag Frhr. von Rechenberg had died in January 1953. The next placed on the North Rhine-Westphalian state list was Linhardt, but because of his move to West Berlin, the North Rhine-Westphalian state returning officer did not consider him, but appointed Paul Hans Jaeger to replace him in the Bundestag. Linhardt raised an objection to this, which was approved by the election review committee of the German Bundestag on July 1, 1953, but only came into effect in September due to the opposition deadlines, so that Linhardt no longer moved into the Bundestag because the legislative period had now ended.

Linhardt could no longer exercise his parliamentary mandate, which was actually due to him. The decision at that time is nevertheless the only withdrawal of the mandate of a member of the Bundestag following an objection.

Fonts (selection)

  • The control in banking (= business management treatises . Vol. 2). CE Poeschel, Stuttgart 1926.
  • The British Investment Trusts (= business and financial research . H. 62). Industrieverlag Spaeth & Linde, Berlin 1935.
  • Credit control (= business library . 5). Girardet, Essen 1954.
  • Basics of business organization (= business library . 6). Girardet, Essen 1954.
  • Nuremberg's banking industry. Inaugural lecture at the Nuremberg University of Economics and Social Sciences on February 6, 1957 (= publications by the Nuremberg University of Economics and Social Sciences . Vol. 10). Glock u. Lutz, Nuremberg 1957.
  • Banking management . 2 volumes, Westdeutscher Verlag, Cologne a. a. 1957/60.
  • Criticism of currency and banking policy (= Bankwirtschaftliche Schriftenreihe . Vol. 7). Westdeutscher Verlag, Cologne a. a. 1963.
  • with Johannes Fettel (ed.): The company in the company. Festschrift for Wilhelm Rieger on his 85th birthday . Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1963.
  • Attack and defense in the struggle for business administration (= business management writings . H. 11). Duncker and Humboldt, Berlin 1963.
  • Guide for the examination of financing and restructuring (= guide for the auditing and business advisory professions . Vol. 2). Haude and Spener, Berlin 1964.
  • The historical component of functional business administration (= business management writings . H. 14). Duncker and Humboldt, Berlin 1964.
  • with Otto Hintner (ed.): On the taxation of the company. Festschrift for Peter Scherpf on the completion of the 65th year of life . E. Schmidt, Berlin 1968.
  • Financing and redevelopment. Guide for examinations in the company (= guide for the auditing and business advisory professions . Vol. 2). Verlag Neue Wirtschafts-Briefe, Herne u. a. 1968.
  • (Ed.): Services in theory and practice. Otto Hintner on his 70th birthday . Poeschel, Stuttgart 1970.


  • Oswald Hahn , Leo Schuster (ed.): Courage to criticize. Hanns Linhardt on his 80th birthday . Haupt, Bern u. a. 1981, ISBN 3-258-03118-5 .
  • Oswald Hahn: Hanns Linhardt. 09/25/1901 - 05/10/1989. Commemoration of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences as part of the bank seminar on July 17, 1989 in the Auditorium Maximum of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (= publications of the Chair for General, Banking and Insurance Business Administration Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, H. 58). Chair for general, banking and insurance business administration at Friedrich-Alexander-Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg 1989. [Festschrift]
  • Oswald Hahn: Hanns Linhardt, 75 years . In: Journal of Business Economics 46 (1976) 98, pp. 671-673.
  • Peter Mantel: Business Administration and National Socialism. A study of institutional and personal history . With an introduction by Eduard Gaugler , Gabler, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-8349-1410-1 , pp. 177 ff. (See Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Georg Bergler : History of the University of Economics and Social Sciences Nuremberg 1919–1961 , Volume II, page 48 and a., Nuremberg 1969