Hans-Georg soldier

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Hans-Georg Soldat (born October 6, 1935 in Königsberg ; † April 12, 2012 in Berlin ) was a German radio journalist and critic . From 1967 to 1993 he worked in the literary department, most recently as the RIAS's chief editor .


Hans-Georg Soldat, born in East Prussia in 1935 , attended school and high school in Frankenberg / Saxony in the GDR and began studying physics and mathematics at the University of Greifswald in 1954 . There Soldat was one of the employees of the campus radio .

After brief imprisonment by the Ministry for State Security (MfS) , Soldat fled to West Berlin in December 1958 . In Berlin, he initially worked as a warehouse worker and continued his studies at the same time, but increasingly also worked as a freelancer for the German service of the BBC , the WDR and NDR . This was followed by a traineeship at Tagesspiegel , where he became a feature section editor. The MfS processed Hans-Georg Soldat in West Berlin. “Later,” said Soldat in an interview, “I read in my Stasi files that they actually followed and watched me in a car with up to four people. It also says that they were considering kidnapping me to the GDR. The indictment and the verdict were already prepared: five years in prison, defamation of the GDR or something like that. By 1961 my file had grown to about 900 pages - just for a young student. "

In 1967 Soldat moved to the literary department of the RIAS , where he was promoted to head. Soldat saw it as the task of the RIAS to be a mouthpiece for things that were not allowed, could or should not be published in the GDR. When asked what motivated him to journalistically accompany GDR literature for many years, he replied: Although that sounds terribly Prussian, "there was a job that had been started and now it had to be completed". Soldat conducted interviews with numerous authors of GDR literature , which were particularly popular in the GDR . With the dissolution of the RIAS, he took early retirement in March 1994 at the age of 58 .

In April 2012, Hans-Georg Soldat died in Berlin at the age of 76.


Hans-Georg Soldat has released Windows software that can make it easier to write Fraktur texts correctly on the computer. Ligaturix works with Microsoft Word versions 97 to 2007 and can convert texts written in Antiqua into regular Fraktur . It is not just about the correct use of "round" and "long" s. In Fraktur there are also a large number of ligatures , i.e. the connection of two letters to one character, which makes the text more beautiful and takes up less space. Scriptor is a Windows tool for writing Fraktur that also works without MS Word and is based on Keys + by Péter Szászvári. WinLigaturix offers the functions of Ligaturix for all Windows word processors, but only works from Windows 2000. This work was made possible by the cooperation with Delbanco , which uses standardized keyboard layouts for their Fraktur fonts. Soldat released the first version of this Windows software in 1997 and continued to develop it until 2011.


  • Memories of "Oobliadooh". Laudation for the award of the Brandenburg Literature Prize . In: Sinn und Form 2/1992, pp. 330–332
  • "View of the World". Zimbabwe takes its colonial history seriously. Visit to the grave of Cecil John Rhodes , self-published, 1995 pdf
  • “Not yet ready” The correspondence between Christa Wolf and Franz Fühmann 1968 to 1984 , in: Die Zeit , March 29, 1996 pdf
  • The turning point in Germany as reflected in contemporary German literature , in: University of Reading : German Life and Letters , Volume 50, April 1997 pdf
  • Franz Fühmann: "The story of Count Hyppolit and Aurelie and their mother and their Buhlknecht" (reading and discussion), Sinn und Form , issue 6/98 pdf
  • Clash with a hated city. "In the east I was a dragon slayer / in the west wolf but never a mutt." Conversation with Wolf Biermann about his new songs and poems , in: Berliner Morgenpost , September 4, 1999 pdf
  • “The poetry of mystification.” World Congress of Magic in Lisbon. Seven sentences about magic in the present , Eßlinger Zeitung , 22./23. July 2000 pdf
  • "Poetry and Truth." Rolf Schneider's feature articles on "Love affairs for German writers" , NDR Radio, January 22, 2002 Script (PDF; 12 kB)
  • "Hobbits Last Questions" Lord of the Rings - The Universe of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien , Eßlinger Zeitung , 23./24. March 2002 pdf
  • Living in several realities "One day in the year" - Christa Wolf's grave song on the GDR includes remembrance and warning , Eßlinger Zeitung , 20./21. September 2003 pdf
  • “In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit” - The Universe of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien , NDR Kultur, December 2, 2003, 8:05 pm - 9:00 pm; Script (PDF; 343 kB)
  • “Scouts on the journalistic front” The major investigation into the Stasi and ARD leaves questions unanswered , Eßlinger Zeitung , 28./29. August 2004 pdf
  • Libraries of human knowledge. Encyclopedias and lexicons are facing a fundamentally new phase in their development , Eßlinger Zeitung , 17./18. December 2005 pdf
  • “In the past, the future was also better.” Jules Verne died a hundred years ago - since then the utopia has fundamentally changed , Eßlinger Zeitung , 19./20. March 2005 pdf
  • "For us, who we still hope ..." Literature between West and East - fragments of an unbelievable story in: Historical Commission of the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels and ARD (ed.): "Mediengeschichtliche Publicungen 4", Wiesbaden, December 2006 pdf
  • "Proposal death sentence". Illegal literature and the "Broadcasting in the American Sector" (RIAS). Fragments of a story. In: Siegfried Lokatis , Ingrid Sonntag (ed.): Secret readers in the GDR. Control and dissemination of illicit literature. Links, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-86153-494-5 , pp. 175-187. publications.ub.uni-frankfurt.de
  • Reading country GDR - literature as a weapon of socialism? Introduction to a panel discussion on February 18, 2009 in Berlin pdf

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Biographical data of Hans-Georg Soldat in: Litfass, issues 51–56, Litfass, 1991, page 109 and by Siegfried Lokatis , Ingrid Sonntag (ed.): Heimlicheehre in der DDR. Control and dissemination of illicit literature. Links, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-86153-494-5 , p. 397.
  2. ^ Edwin Kratschmer: Literature and dictatorship . Collegium Europaeum Jenense, 1997, ISBN 978-3-933-15902-1 , p. 306.
  3. No wasted lifetime - Hans-Georg Soldat. In: webmoritz.de. July 8, 2010, accessed February 18, 2015 .
  4. A conversation with Hans-Georg Soldat: Between West and East (archive). In: dradio.de. January 8, 2006, accessed February 18, 2015 .
  5. mak: Ex-editor researched the Stasi and US broadcasters: 451 letters to the Rias never arrived. In: berliner-zeitung.de. March 27, 1998, accessed February 18, 2015 .
  6. "Between West and East" - literature in the RIAS , Hans-Georg Soldat in conversation with Dorothea Westphal, broadcast in Deutschlandradio Kultur, January 8, 2006.
  7. Extract from the list in: "For us, who we still hope ..." Literature between West and East - fragments of an incredible story . In: Historical Commission of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association and ARD (Ed.): Media History Publications 4 , Wiesbaden, December 2006 pdf , pp. 13, 27.
  8. ^ Obituary for Hans-Georg Soldat, in: Berliner Zeitung , April 21, 2012.
  9. ^ Hans-Georg Soldat: DS-Frakturen in Windows Selbstverlag, Berlin, 2010