Hans-Joachim Born

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Hans-Joachim Born (born May 8, 1909 in Berlin ; † April 15, 1987 in Munich ) was a German chemist and university professor who mainly taught in the field of radiochemistry .

life and career

In 1927 he graduated from the Reform-Realgymnasium in Berlin-Schöneberg . He then studied chemistry at de Berlin and Tübingen . In 1933 he made his diploma in chemistry. In 1934 he received his doctorate in chemistry under Otto Hahn at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (KWI) .

He then worked there as a research assistant . From 1934 to 1945 he was an assistant and employee at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry in Berlin-Dahlem and for brain research in Berlin-Buch . At the end of the Second World War he worked in the Department of Experimental Genetics at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Brain Research , headed by Nikolai Wladimirowitsch Timofejew-Ressowski .

Before completing his doctorate at the end of 1933, Born became a member of the SA , from which he said he left "because of insufficient participation". In 1937 Born joined the NSDAP and other NS mass organizations. By 1942 at the latest, Born was, in addition to his position at Auergesellschaft , again at the KWI for Chemistry, where he was “fully employed for war-important tasks” and “ indispensable ”.

In the Soviet Union

Towards the end of the war, Born was taken prisoner by the Soviets . After his release from the prisoner-of-war camp in Krasnoyarsk , he first worked in Nikolaus Riehl's group at Plant No. 12 in Elektrostal, east of Moscow . At the end of 1947 he was taken to work with Alexander Katsch and Karl Zimmer in a prison laboratory B (Sharaschka) in Sungul (Object 0211), Chelyabinsk Oblast in the southern Urals region near Kazakhstan. In Sungul he again worked under the direction of Timofeev-Resovskij in radiobiological research. From 1946 to 1955 he worked as a scientist and head of a radiochemical laboratory in the Soviet Union and was involved in research within the framework of the Soviet atomic bomb project. In 1955 he was released from captivity and went to the GDR .

In the DDR

After arriving in East Germany, Born continued to work in his field. From 1955 to 1957 Born worked at the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin and Director of the Applied Isotope Research Department at the Institute for Medicine and Biology in Berlin-Buch , his successor in this role was Günther Vormum . He completed his habilitation at the Technical University of Dresden , where he became a professor at the Faculty of Nuclear Technology. In 1957 he was a member of the Scientific Council for the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy .

Change to West Germany

In 1957 he received an apprenticeship in Munich. Born became a full professor and director of the Institute for Radiochemistry at the Technical University of Munich .


  • Radiochemistry and application of radioactive isotopes (habilitation), Dresden University of Technology, 1956.


  • Dorit Petschel : 175 years of TU Dresden. Volume 3: The professors of the TU Dresden 1828–2003. Edited on behalf of the Society of Friends and Supporters of the TU Dresden e. V. von Reiner Pommerin , Böhlau, Cologne a. a. 2003, ISBN 3-412-02503-8 , p. 118.
  • Florian Schmaltz: Research on warfare agents under National Socialism: On the cooperation of Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes, the military and industry . Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2005, ISBN 978-3-89244-880-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. It is unclear whether Born wrote a dissertation in chemistry or another subject. She dealt with the subject of the lead content of the north German salt storage and its relationship to radioactive issues , Jena, Fischer-Verlag, 1934, Berlin, Phil. Diss. (!) V. July 27, 1934, special print from: Chemie der Erde , Vol. 9, H. 1, 1934, pp. 66-87.
  2. Florian Schmaltz: Warfare agent research in National Socialism: On the cooperation of Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes, the military and industry . Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2005, details on Born on p. 262, note 308.
  3. Information about Born about his teaching activities at the TU Dresden, his move to Munich is not mentioned.