Hans Ahrbeck

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Hans Ahrbeck (born May 19, 1890 in Linden , † April 1, 1981 in Halle (Saale) ) was a German educational scientist and teacher . From 1946 to 1958 he was a professor at the Martin Luther University in Halle .


The son of a pharmacist, Hans Ahrbeck, studied German , history , theology and philosophy in Leipzig , Giessen and Göttingen after graduating from the Kaiserin-Augusta-Victoria-Gymnasium in Linden . From 1915 to 1918 he fought in World War I and was awarded the Iron Cross, 2nd class. He turned down an officer career offered to him.

In 1919 Ahrbeck continued his studies and became a member of the free student body . He began to get involved in politics and was also a teacher in workers' courses. In 1920 he passed the state examination as a high school teacher and taught at the Elisabeth Rosenthal-Lyzeum, a private girls' school in Magdeburg . In 1925 he was with a thesis on Wilhelm Raabe in Göttingen PhD .

From 1926 Ahrbeck taught at the Lessing Oberschule in Magdeburg- Sudenburg . In 1929 he was appointed lecturer and in 1930 professor for German at the Pedagogical Academy in Breslau . In 1932 he became a professor at the Pedagogical Academy in Halle (Saale) . After the forced closure in 1933, Ahrbeck became a teacher and taught at the study seminar until 1937. Since he refused membership in the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) and had ties to the Confessing Church , Ahrbeck had to struggle with repression and discrimination after the National Socialists came to power . In 1944 and 1945 he was monitored by the Secret State Police (Gestapo).

After the Second World War , Ahrbeck became a senior school officer in Magdeburg and from 1946 a professor with a chair for educational sciences at the Martin Luther University in Halle . In 1949 he became dean of the Pedagogical Faculty and, after its dissolution, director of the Institute for Pedagogy. On January 1, 1958, Ahrbeck was retired against the vote of the Philosophical Faculty.

He was married to Rosemarie Ahrbeck since 1962 .


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