Hans Högl

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Hans Högl (2012)

Hans Högl (* 25 January 1942 in Asperhofen in Neulengbach, NE ) is an Austrian media and education sociologist , emeritus professor and journalist .


Hans Högl grew up with five brothers, two of whom were returning from the war, in their parents' house in Asperhofen, a town of 300 inhabitants in Lower Austria. His father was in the dairy trade, his mother in agriculture. After graduating from the humanistic missions high school in Bischofshofen (Salzburg), he was enrolled in the Philosophicum at the Catholic University of St. Gabriel near Vienna from 1962 to 1965 . There his interest in social teaching was aroused. He resigned from the Missionary Society of Steyler Missionaries (SVD) in order to be able to freely choose where to work in the development work. From 1965 to 1967 he studied Catholic theology as a layman at the University of Innsbruck .

With foreign scholarships from the Ministry of Education, he was able to devote himself to a double degree in development sociology and journalism at the Latin America College and at the University of Leuven from 1967 to 1971 . He obtained the diploma lic. en sociologie and lic. en communication sociale . After military service from 1973 to 1974 he tried to gain a professional foothold in Austria and from 1975 to 1980 carried out various activities, including media internships (Ö1-Radio, Die Presse ), tour guide in tourism and educational researcher at the Institute for Applied Sociology (IAS) in Vienna. In 1980 he obtained his doctorate (Dr. phil.) In sociology and journalism at the University of Vienna . The topic of his dissertation was the press in a democracy and possibilities for rational political judgment formation (text comparison of Le Monde and Frankfurter Allgemeine to the Pentagon Papers ).

From 1981 to 2003 he was a lecturer in political education, media education (political media text analysis), sociometry and social ethics at educational academies and social academies in Vienna. He was the leader of 15 case studies in Austrian communities, university lecturer at the Institute for Sociology in Vienna, lecturer at the University of Hamburg , the University of Innsbruck and at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna on the subject of tourism (Institute for Spatial Planning).

Main focus of work and research

Hans Högl's work and research focuses on the impact of the media and changing attitudes, on the sociology of education and knowledge, on rural areas and development policy. His 2001 book I'm not a tourist. I live here. Tourist communities in stress were discussed in the program "Journal Panorama" (Radio Ö1) and also recognized by science:

Högl's study on excessive winter and alpine tourism contains diagnoses and therapies, analysis and, above all, practical suggestions. Therefore, it belongs in every parish and school room, i.e. where politics should begin. "


Hans Högl has been with Eveline, geb. Hohberg, married. The couple has two children. He went on study trips to Brazil, Benin, Togo, Ghana, East Asia, Iran, Syria, Morocco, Israel, Jordan, Georgia, Armenia and East Turkey.

Media engagement

The university professor emeritus was president of the Vereinigung für Medienkultur from 2003 to 2013 , is now vice-president and intervenes in committees, as the main editor of the internet platform www.medienkultur.at. According to Medienimpulse , he is interested in “a critical perspective on media concentration in Austria” and a look at domestic and foreign quality media .

Candidate for the public council of ORF 2010

The ORF Public Council followed as a body of the former listener and viewer representation of Austrian Broadcasting . The Austrian print media criticized the mode and structure of the audience council as “antiquated”, “unconstitutional”, “farce” and even the soccer game “red versus black”. "The focus is only on maintaining the power of the parties on ORF," said Andreas Koller in the Salzburger Nachrichten . In the run-up to this election, Hans Högl and his team wrote a petition to the Media State Secretariat to reform the controversial election mode, which he called an "expensive circus act" in a guest comment in the press. Fax voting enables voting forms to be completed in advance by party secretariats. And in order to win the election, the parties would also nominate candidates with little media skills. Hans Högl stood as an independent candidate in the field of education for election to the ORF Public Council and received 13,435 votes, which were not enough for a seat.

Publications (selection)

Politics and media

  • 2011: Diversity u. Simplicity in Austria's media. In the background. Das Nachrichtenmagazin, Frankfurt / Main, 1st quarter 2011, pp. 24–27.
  • 2009: Calcutta - city of palaces and culture. In: Wiener Zeitung, supplement “Wiener Journal”, pp. 18–22, 23 Oct. 2009, No. 206.
  • 2008: India: Insights / Flashlights. In: interest. Social Information No. 4, 2008/2, Linz a. Danube.
  • 2006: Who should integrate whom where? Analysis in: Wiener Zeitung, May 10, 2006, page "Knowledge"
  • 1980: The press in a democracy and possibilities for rational political judgment formation. Diss. Phil. Vienna

Tourism / communities

  • 2001: I'm not a tourist. I live here. Tourist communities in stress. Verlag für Ethik & Gesellschaft, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-900944-15-6 .
  • 1994: Aspects of vacation on the farm a. the summerfreshness. Institute for Regional Studies of Lower Austria 1994, pp. 79–96.
  • 1995: Behind the facade of tourism. Villages under stress. StudienVerlag, Innsbruck

Pedagogical area

  • 2004: Högl Hans u. a .: Evaluation of the implementation d. State teacher service law based on school u. Case studies. Research assignment f. BM for education, science.
  • 2001: Analysis of a secondary school with a musical and creative focus: Ebenfurth 2001. (Research report)
  • 2000: Evaluation of a computer secondary school. Neufeld / Burgenland (research report).
  • 1995: Free time for young people in an Austrian district and school town. Youth study Horn 1995

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Collège pour l`Amérique Latine and Faculté sciences pol. à Louvain / Belgium
  2. Univ. Prof. Dr. Manfried Welan, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna .
  3. MEDIENIMPULSE is a media education specialist magazine of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture. Editor-in-chief: Alessandro Barberi
  4. MEDIENIMPULSE, issue 3/2011, editorial by Alessandro Barberi . Retrieved July 24, 2012.
  5. ^ OÖ Nachrichten of January 26th 2010: ORF Public Council: Red plays against black . Retrieved July 24, 2012.
  6. ^ Andreas Koller : Inferior media policy, congenial ORF ( Memento from February 2, 2010 in the Internet Archive ). In: Salzburger Nachrichten . January 26, 2010
  7. Die Presse, print edition, January 28, 2010