Hans Kreller

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Hans Kreller (born April 22, 1887 in Schedewitz near Zwickau , † February 14, 1958 in Senftenberg near Krems an der Donau ) was a German legal historian and papyrologist .


Hans Kreller, the son of the textile industrialist Emil Kreller (1844-1915), studied 1906-1911 jurisprudence at the Universities of Grenoble , Berlin , Freiburg and Leipzig University . After the first state law examination in Leipzig (1911), he began his legal clerkship in Dresden, which he completed in 1915 with the second state examination. In the same year he was awarded a Dr. jur. PhD .

Kreller's lifelong preoccupation with ancient legal history (especially due to papyrus documents) goes back to the influence of his Leipzig teacher and doctoral supervisor Ludwig Mitteis . His first work appeared after the First World War , in which he participated from August 1914 to 1919 as an artillery officer.

After Kreller had completed his habilitation on March 25, 1920 in Leipzig for " Roman Law and Legal Papyrus Studies" , he was appointed in 1921 as an associate professor for Roman, civil and commercial law at the University of Tübingen . There, the dogmatics of civil law, especially labor law, was added to his research focus. In 1926 Kreller moved to the University of Münster as a full professor (successor to Heinrich Erman ) , where he was elected Dean of the Faculty of Law in 1930. In 1931 he returned to the University of Tübingen as successor to Max Rümelin . From 1935 to 1944 he was editor of the Romance department of the Savigny Foundation's journal for legal history . From 1941 he was Leopold Wenger's successor at the University of Vienna .

Kreller was a German national and had been a member of the “ Stahlhelm ” since 1918 . At the time of National Socialism Kreller became a member of the Academy for German Law . During his Deanery in Tübingen in 1938, among other things, he ensured that books by Jewish authors were marked in color. On July 1, 1940, he was accepted into the NSDAP (membership number 8.164.000). After his temporary release, the dean Ferdinand Degenfeld-Schonburg tried to reappoint Kreller. In its report of September 12, 1945, the Special Commission found Kreller “portable”, the Committee of Ministers endorsed his continued use in university operations on October 21, 1946 and the Review Commission allowed him to continue to hold his chair at the University of Vienna on July 28, 1947. On April 30, 1948, Kreller was appointed full university professor. The Austrian Academy of Sciences elected him in 1951 as a corresponding member and in 1954 as a real member.


  • Max Kaser : Hans Kreller † . In: Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History. Romance Department . Volume 75 (1958), pp. XV-XXIII
  • Herbert HausmaningerKreller, Hans. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 13, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1982, ISBN 3-428-00194-X , p. 2 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Margarete Grandner: Studying at the Law and Political Science Faculty of the University of Vienna 1945–1955 . In: Margarete Grandner, Gernot Heiss, Oliver Rathkolb (editor): Future with contaminated sites. The University of Vienna 1945–1955 . Innsbruck 2005, pp. 290-312 ( PDF )

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Peter Goller: History of Labor Law in Austria. Studies on Isidor Ingwer (1866–1942) and Eduard Rabofsky (1911–1994) . Vienna 2004, p. 40.
  2. ^ A b Roman Pfefferle, Hans Pfefferle: Glimpflich denazisiert. The professorships at the University of Vienna from 1944 in the post-war years . Göttingen 2014, p. 335.