Hans Martin Esser

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Hans Martin Esser (born March 13, 1978 in Arnsberg ) is a German polemical journalist and essayist.


Esser studied economics and political science at the Ruhr University Bochum , graduating in 2004 with a degree in economics . This was followed by study trips in the field of film theory, rhetoric ( UC Berkeley , 2007), history, philosophy and medieval studies ( University of Cambridge , Clare College 2009-2010).

He organized cultural events and advises the FDP and is a member of the FDP state committee for media and culture in North Rhine-Westphalia and of the Innovativkreis 2.0.

As a permanent author, Esser published around 30 articles on the author's blog The Axis of the Good by 2016. Since 2016 he has been a columnist for the debate magazine The European and the Huffington Post on politics, society and the economy. He also conducts interviews for The European , with Norbert Bolz and Hermann Parzinger , among others . He also writes for Börse am Sonntag and the Wirtschaftskurier . He is also an author at Tabularasa by Stefan Groß and occasionally for Klaus Kelles Think .

From 2013 to 2016 Esser headed the Literary Society Arnsberg . In 2017 he became the second chairman of the largest Westphalian literary association Christine Koch Gesellschaft (Literary Society Sauerland) with Stephanie Schröter, succeeding Johann J. Claßen and Herbert Somplatzki . In the German Language Association he is the 2nd chairman responsible for the Westphalia area. He also organizes discourse events with intellectuals such as Hermann Parzinger and Matthias Hartmann . He lives in Neheim.

In his book Die große Klammer , published in 2019, Esser coined the term New Normality .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hans-Martin Esser - THE AXIS OF GOOD. ACHGUT.COM. Retrieved August 20, 2017 .
  2. Hans-Martin Esser . In: TheEuropean . August 14, 2017 ( theeuropean.de [accessed August 20, 2017]).
  3. Hans-Martin Esser. Retrieved August 20, 2017 .
  4. Hans-Martin Esser: Interview with Norbert Bolz . In: TheEuropean . February 25, 2017 ( theeuropean.de [accessed August 20, 2017]).
  5. ^ The non-entrepreneurs - the new dependent employment . In: Börse am Sonntag . ( boerse-am-sonntag.de [accessed on August 20, 2017]).
  6. Highlights of a landlord's life . In: Wirtschaftskurier . ( wirtschaftskurier.de [accessed on August 20, 2017]).
  7. GASTSPIEL Hans-Martin Esser with tips "Unsuspecting discussion for advanced learners" . In: Thinking desired - the Kelle blog . May 12, 2016 ( Think-erwuenscht.com [accessed August 20, 2017]).
  8. Christopher Lang: A "talk show" for Arnsberg . ( derwesten.de [accessed on August 20, 2017]).
  9. Hans-Martin Esser. The big bracket. A theory of normality. This is an essay that moves in the border area between cultural philosophy, statistics, polemics and economic theory. His publishing house Kadmos received the German Publishing Award at the Frankfurt Book Fair. 2019. Retrieved November 3, 2019 .