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Kalletal municipality
Coordinates: 52 ° 8 ′ 6 ″  N , 8 ° 54 ′ 55 ″  E
Height : 173 m
Area : 6.13 km²
Incorporation : 1st January 1969
Postal code : 32689
Area code : 05264
Location in Kalletal

Bentorf is a district of the municipality of Kalletal in the Lippe district .


The village Bentorf is located in the northeast of North Rhine-Westphalia in Weserbergland , bordered to the northwest and west to the city of Vlotho in the Herford district , in the south of the village rake Missen , which belongs to the district Bentorf, on the east by Langenholzhausen / Hohenhausen and north to Kalldorf.

The Bentorfer Bach flows through the village and flows into the Westernkalle at Dalbke. The 225 m high Lichtensberg lies on the municipal border with Vlotho. Here there are sometimes extensive and deep sinkholes , in which, unlike in the neighboring areas in the Vlotho district of Valdorf, no peat bog deposits were formed. The highest point of the place is at 249.3  m above sea level. NN in Bentorfer Holz, lying north of the Lichtensberg, which is 154.4  m above sea level. NN in the valley of the Bentorfer Bach at the southeast end of the village.


Archaeological finds have proven that there was settlement in the area around Bentorf as early as the 11th to 12th centuries. A place Bentorpe is mentioned in 1359 in the so-called Callentorper Lehnsbrief. In the 18th century the name was fixed with Bentorf to avoid confusion with Bentrup . This was done in the former Varenholz office for all place names with the ending -torpe / -torp. The name is derived from Benno , that is Benno's village (Otto Preuss), the Lippe homeland researcher Wilhelm Süvern interprets the name as the village on the Bente , which means a swampy area. The current research on place names, on the other hand, sees the meaning as a settlement of the people, members of the Bēio , whereby the latter is connected with the popular name Beiur / Baier.

Bentorf was an independent municipality until the end of 1968. Since January 1, 1969, it has been part of the newly founded municipality of Kalletal together with the surrounding Lippe villages.

Note: 1359 Bentorpe; 1363 Beynctorpe; 1488 Beyntrup; around 1500 Bentorpe; 1535 Bentroppe; 1536 BENTORFF; 1545 Bentrup; 1562 Bentrup; 1572 Bentrup; 1590 Bentorp; 1618 Bentorff; 1620 Bentorff; around 1721 Bentorf Sources: documents, land treasure registers, Sa (a) l books.

The altitude of Bentorf was used by the windmill on the northwestern outskirts


In terms of church, Bentorf belongs together with the villages of Harkemissen, Echternhagen, Eichholz and Westorf to parish II of the Evangelical Reformed Church in Hohenhausen. The community center with church and community house is located in Hohenhausen. Bentorf and Harkemissen use the Bentorf parish hall, and the church cemetery used by both localities is also located here.

Economy and Infrastructure

Agriculture dominates. The biogas plant built in Bentorf in 2005 with funding from Volksbank Nordlippe can, with its block-type thermal power station, produce an amount of electricity that is geared to the needs of 600 households. There are only a few businesses in the village, the Bentorfer Krug inn was previously known in the wider area as a meeting place for cattle dealers.


The L861, which connects the B514 with the B238 , runs through Bentorf .

Bentorf windmill and wind turbine, seen from Vlothoer Winterberg in 2007


The Bentorf windmill near the widely visible wind turbine built in 2001 is operated jointly by the Brink family and the Kalletal Museum Association as a tourist destination. The mill, built in 1889, has been a listed technical monument since 1939, and the wing cross was renewed in 2009. In the tourist offer, the municipality of Kalletal highlights Bentorf's old village center with its half-timbered and quarry-stone houses .

Regular events

Brinks Mill with participation in the German Mill Day (Whit Monday)


The SV Bentorf von 1921 eV as a local sports club for football and popular sports was merged with the neighboring TSG Hohenhausen in 2015 to form the »SG Bentorf-Hohenhausen« game community. At SV Bentorf there are currently two netball teams and a gymnastics group.


  • Heinrich (Hennak) Hanke , teacher and vice-principal, born April 1, 1906 in Bentorf, died April 21, 1968 in Lockhausen (OT von Bad Salzuflen), local poet from Lippi
  • Gustav Hackemack (Hanken Jüsken), studied theology, private teacher, born on March 7, 1872 in Bentorf, died on February 4, 1958 in Brake (OT von Lemgo), local poet from Lippi
  • Klaus Brandner , born on January 13, 1949 in Bentorf, politician (SPD), former member of the Bundestag


  • Exter history workshop, search for traces XII, Linnenbeeke to Bentorf. 2004, Series of Contributions to Local History , ISSN  1619-7828 .
  • Lippe in the Third Reich. Documentation office for regional culture and school history, Faculty of Education, University of Bielefeld. Topp + Möller, Detmold 1984.
  • Heinrich Hanke: The eternal wandering (novel from the brick life). Lippischer Heimatbund in Detmold (Lippische Heimatbücher), ISBN 978-3-926311-07-8 .
  • Heinrich Hanke: Pünjeshagen Vertellsel up lippsk Platt. 1. A. 1963, Lippischer Heimatbund in Detmold (Lippische Heimatbücher), 2. A. 1976, edited by Wilhelm Süvern.
  • Wilhelm Süvern: Hennak Hanke His life and work. (Biography) Lippischer Heimatbund in Detmold, Detmold 1976.
  • Walter Otto: "Quer durch die Gemarkung Bentorf", 2009, pages 176 u. numerous photographs.

Individual evidence

  1. Guido Nockemann: Older than expected - new traces of settlement in the Middle Ages near Kalletal-Bentorf. Archeology in Westphalia-Lippe 2009, pp. 68–71, ISSN  2191-1207 ( PDF )
  2. Fund illustration at [1] (PDF)
  3. Birgit Meineke, Die Ortsnames des Kreises Lippe, Verlag für Regionalgeschichte Bielefeld, 2010, ISBN 978-3-89534-842-6 , p. 62
  4. Martin Bünermann: The communities of the first reorganization program in North Rhine-Westphalia . Deutscher Gemeindeverlag, Cologne 1970, p. 67 .
  5. Genossenschaftsblatt für Rheinland und Westfalen 1/2008  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF 5.1 MB)@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  6. Heinrich Hennak Hanke in the lexicon Westphalian authors
  7. Gustav Hackemack in Westphalian lexicon authors

Web links