St. Pölten main cemetery

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St. Pölten main cemetery, access area
St. Pölten main cemetery
War memorial

The St. Pölten main cemetery (also known as the main municipal cemetery ) is located in the north-west of the Lower Austrian capital on Goldegger Straße. Together with the district cemeteries in Stattersdorf , Viehofen , Radlberg , Pottenbrunn , Spratzern and St. Georgen am Steinfelde, it forms the group of seven cemetery complexes responsible for St. Pölten .


The main cemetery is around 15 hectares and is located between Goldegger and Karlstettner Straße. Over 900 trees are kept in the tree register of the main cemetery, forest cemetery and military cemetery. The military cemetery is in the area in front of the main entrance. The main cemetery with its ceremonial halls is basically open to all religions and nationalities. The main cemetery includes a forest cemetery , rows of Islamic graves facing Mecca and graves for members of the Roman Catholic, Old Catholic, Protestant ( AB and HB ), Russian Orthodox or New Apostolic faith. The possibility for anonymous burials is given and there is a separate Israelite section , which belongs to the Jewish community of St. Pölten. The crematorium operated by the city of St. Pölten (one of currently 17 active crematoriums in Austria ) is also located on the site. The design of the main cemetery includes several works by the sculptor Wilhelm Frass from the period between 1911 and 1935.


The main cemetery St. Pölten has been in use since July 2, 1894, some older graves were only transferred here after they were opened. The owners of graves and tombs in the old cemetery were only entitled to a place of burial in the new main cemetery free of charge if the reburial took place by the end of 1907 at the latest.

Between 1909 and 1915, the area was expanded to include the Israelite cemetery and the forest adjacent to the west ("forest cemetery"). The present entrance building was designed in 1962 by Paul Pfaffenbichler , who is also buried here. The main cemetery is one of the listed objects in St. Pölten .

A gravestone for the freedom fighters who died or executed in St. Pölten during the Austrian Civil War in 1934 was unveiled on March 29, 1974.

Ecological importance

Jewish cemetery St. Pölten

Except for the paved central paths, the cemetery only has unpaved gravel paths. Linden avenues with several old trees give the cemetery a park character and at the same time represent a valuable biotope element. While the north-western new cemetery parts are characterized by gravestone areas with little plants, the 3.5 hectare forest cemetery has more green space as well as a layer of bushes and trees. The 0.6 hectare Jewish cemetery has species-rich trees, a maple avenue, meadows and overgrown areas where wildflowers thrive.

Lanius, the research association for regional fauna and applied nature conservation, carried out ornithological surveys in 1997 and in spring 2019. Among other things, populations of bird species such as coal tit , golden cockerel and siskin were identified. The long-eared owl has been classified as a possible breeding bird of the forest cemetery. The Jewish cemetery was characterized by the highest biodiversity . The meadow vegetation, which is characterized by snowdrops , cowslips, Hungarian scabious and St. John's wort , attracts insects such as butterflies and bumblebees . The sand lizard , reptile of the year 2020, could also be found there.

In the context of the “Blooming Lower Austria” campaign, the main cemetery was named the most beautiful city cemetery by the state guild of gardeners and florists in 2019.


Gravestone for Viktor Rauchberger and Johann Hois († 1934) at the main cemetery

Among other things, the following are buried in the main cemetery:

Georg Danzer (1946–2007), songwriter and singer, was cremated in the crematorium at the main cemetery in St. Pölten and was buried at sea off the coast of Mallorca .

Web sources

Web links

Commons : Hauptfriedhof St. Pölten  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b cemeteries. Retrieved on July 27, 2021 (German).
  2. ^ Main cemetery St. Pölten: variety of trees and bird species
  3. Open day of the city burial and the main cemetery St. Pölten
  4. Old cemetery. In:  Oesterreichische Land-Zeitung , November 16, 1907, p. 7 (online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / olz
  5. State capital Sankt Pölten. P. 434 , accessed July 27, 2021 .
  6. a b c Lanius, the research community for regional fauna and applied nature conservation, Hannes Seehofer & Markus Braun: The bird fauna of the St. Pölten main cemetery - report . December 2019
  7. St. Pölten and Ertl have the most beautiful cemeteries in Today on September 27, 2019, accessed on July 26, 2021

Coordinates: 48 ° 13 ′ 0.1 ″  N , 15 ° 36 ′ 41.5 ″  E