Hector Louis François Leboucq

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Hector Louis François Leboucq (1848–1934)

Hector Louis François Leboucq (born April 5, 1848 in Ypres , Belgium , † October 22, 1934 in Ghent ) was a Belgian physician and anatomist .

Live and act

He studied medicine at the University of Ghent. In 1872 he received his doctorate in medicine, surgery and obstetrics there. He then continued his studies in France, for example at the Collège de France with Louis-Antoine Ranvier and then at the Anatomical Institute in Strasbourg , Institut d'anatomie Strasbourg with Heinrich Wilhelm Waldeyer . In 1876 he received his doctorate in the field of physiology with a dissertation Recherches sur le développement des vaissaux et des Globuli sanguins . During this time, however, he worked on various projects at the University of Ghent . In 1878 he was appointed professor for systematic and topographical human anatomy and also worked as a demonstrator in anatomy.

Leboucq initially worked as a pathologist . He wrote a study on tumors and fractures , but then switched from pathological to anatomical morphology.

In addition, he focuses on human histology and embryology . He made comparative studies on the extremities, hand and foot, more precisely, the carpal and metatarsal bones . Groundbreaking were his studies on the role of the navicular bone (one of the tarsal bones) and the development of the talus (in the ankle). In addition, he dealt with the human muscles in some studies, which he examined for all variants and anomalies.

He was one of the founders of the Gentse School voor Morfologie and built up an extensive collection in the Anatomical Institute. Leboucq employed one of the first female assistants Bertha De Vriese (1877-1958).

An appreciation for Leboucq's academic achievements was expressed in numerous awards. He received an honorary doctorate from the University of St Andrews (Scotland). He also became President of the Koninklijke Academie voor Geneeskunde van België , the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium, in 1913 .

Works (selection)

  • Le canal nasopalatin chez l'homme. Arch. Biol., Paris (1881) 2: 386-397
  • Research on les variations anatomiques de la première côte chez l'homme. Impr. De Hayez, Bruxelles (1896)
  • Organogénie des pinnièdes. Anvers, Buschmann (1904)
  • Discours de M. le recteur H. Leboucq: l'anatomie humaine et les tendances modern de la morphologie. Exposé de la situation de l'Université pendant l'année académique 1906-1907. Impr. De D. Annoot-Braeckmann, Gand (1907)


  • J. Fautrez: Hector Leboucq. In: T. Luykx, Liber Memorialis, 1913-1960, Rijksuniversiteit te Gent, 2, Gent, 1960, pp. 15-18.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hector Leboucq (1848-1934), p.15 (PDF; 814 kB)
  2. ^ De Reuck J .: Bertha De Vriese (1877-1958), the first female neurovascular anatomist. Rev Neurol (Paris). (2009) Dec; 165 (12): 999-1001