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Hegyszentmárton (Hungary)
Basic data
State : Hungary
Region : Southern Transdanubia
County : Baranya
Small area until December 31, 2012 : Sellye
District since 1.1.2013 : Sellye
Coordinates : 45 ° 54 '  N , 18 ° 5'  E Coordinates: 45 ° 54 '13 "  N , 18 ° 5' 25"  E
Area : 18.78  km²
Residents : 414 (Jan. 1, 2011)
Population density : 22 inhabitants per km²
Telephone code : (+36) 73
Postal code : 7837
KSH kódja: 21023
Structure and administration (as of 2020)
Community type : local community
Structure : Hegyszentmárton, Alsóegerszeg, Monyorósd
Mayoress : Gézáné Jakab (independent)
Postal address : Kolozsvári u. 18
7837 Hegyszentmárton
(Source: A Magyar Köztársaság helységnévkönyve 2011. január 1st at Központi statisztikai hivatal )

Hegyszentmárton ( Croatian Edsemartin ) is a Hungarian community in the county Sellye in Baranya . The municipality consists of the three districts Hegyszentmárton, Alsóegerszeg and Monyorósd, which were formerly independent and were united in 1930.


Hegyszentmárton is about ten kilometers northwest of Harkány . The neighboring communities are Tengeri , Baksá and Kisdér in the north, Siklósbodony and Babarczölös in the east, Diósviszló in the south-east, Rádfalva and Kórós in the south, Páprád in the south-west and Bogádmindszent in the west. To the south-east of the closed development there is a small forest, to the north-west and north two still waters.

The community is drained by the Hegyadó-patak .


  • Stone bell tower
  • Roman Catholic cemetery chapel Szent Pál
  • Statue of Szent Antal with baby Jesus ( Szent Antal a gyermek Jézussal )


Road 5815 runs through Hegyszentmárton. The nearest train station is about 20 kilometers west in the town of Sellye .

Individual evidence

  1. Helyi önkormányzati választások 2019 - Hegyszentmárton (Baranya megye). Nemzeti Választási Iroda, accessed January 28, 2020 (Hungarian).

Web links

Commons : Hegyszentmárton  - collection of images, videos and audio files