Heidi Kang

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Heidi (Heidrun) Kang

Heidrun Kang , b. Heidrun Sundermann (born March 28, 1939 in Bielefeld , Germany ) is a German-South Korean philologist , translator , editor and university lecturer who has made a special contribution to the dissemination of South Korean literature in the German-speaking area. She has been an honorary citizen of Seoul since 2002 , received the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon in 2006 and the Mirok Li Prize of the German-Korean Society in 2010 .


Heidi Kang obtained the general higher education entrance qualification ( Abitur ) in 1958 at the Bavink Gymnasium in Bielefeld (today Gymnasium am Waldhof ). She studied German , English and French for the teaching profession and did her Magister Artium in 1962 at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . In 1963 she moved to Seoul with her husband Prof. Kang Bingou . From 1977 she was responsible for the German School in Seoul . This was followed by positions as a lecturer from 1983 , most recently as a professor of German language at the Hankuk University for Foreign Studies (HUFS) in Seoul.

At the 57th Frankfurt Book Fair of 2005 South Korea was the host country, and Heidi Kang gave some interviews.

She was deputy chairwoman of the board of directors in establishing the Germany-Korea alumni network (ADeKo) from 2008, which unites Koreans who have studied in Germany. She is also Chief Executive Officer of STAR Korea AG , a STAR Group company (IT and media industry) with headquarters in Switzerland , and a member of the board of the Korean-German Society e. V. (KDG) in Seoul.

As a translator, she works a lot with the South Korean Ahn So-hyun, who is 20 years her junior. This type of collaboration between two native speakers in the source and target language is often found in translations from Korean into German.

Works and translations

  • A Path for Our People - Reflections on Social Reconstruction , by Park Chung Hee, Dong-A Verlag, Seudaimun-Ku, Seoul 1964.
  • My Korean Family , by Heidi Kang, Merian Mai 1988, No. 5, Vol. 41, pp. 70-72
  • The Koreans , by John HT Harvey. Translated by Heidi Kang, Copyright Korean Overseas Information Service, Seoul 1993, ISBN 89-7375-203-0
  • Wind and Water , by Kim Won-il . Translated by Heidi Kang and Ahn So-hyun, with an afterword by Heidi Kang, in Pendragon, Bielefeld 1998, ISBN 3-929096-56-0
  • At the end of time . Edited by Helga Picht and Heidi Kang, by Pendragon, Bielefeld 1999, ISBN 3-929096-84-6
  • The Disfigured Hero , by Yi Mun-yol . Translated by Kim Hi-youl and Heidi Kang, with an afterword by Heidi Kang, in Pendragon, Bielefeld 1999, ISBN 3-929096-73-0
  • People from the North, People from the South , by Lee Ho-chol . Translated by Ahn In-kyoung and Heidi Kang, with an afterword by Heidi Kang, in Pendragon, Bielefeld 2002, ISBN 3-934872-23-9
  • A very simple polka dot dress . Published by Ahn So-hyun and Heidi Kang, by Pendragon, Bielefeld 2004, ISBN 3-934872-57-3
  • The Sympathy of the Goldfish , by Lee Chang-dong . Translated by Heidi Kang and Ahn So-hyun, contained in Die Sympathie der Goldfische , edited by Friedhelm Bertulies , by Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt (M) 2005, ISBN 3-518-41719-3
  • Dokkaebi - Korean Motifs / Korean Motifs , by Ahn Sang-soo . English translation by Brian Berry, German translation by Heidi Kang, published by Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, Tübingen 2005, ISBN 3-8030-0657-0
  • Sword Singing , by Kim Hoon . Translated by Heidi Kang and Ahn So-hyun, at Edition Delta, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-927648-22-7
  • Korea's wooden handicrafts , by Son Young-hak . Translated by Heidi Kang, at LIT Verlag, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-8258-0770-2
  • Church architect Alwin Schmid , from Jung-Shin Kim . Translated by Eunjeoung Gross and Heidi Kang, at EOS-Verlag, Sankt Ottilien 2016, ISBN 978-3830678052

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