Heinrich Berggötz

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Heinrich Berggötz

Heinrich Berggötz (born December 17, 1889 in Aue , † December 20, 1973 in Karlsruhe-Durlach ) was a German politician ( CSVD , CDU , BVP , NPD ).


The son of a master mason attended elementary school from 1896 to 1904 and then worked in his father's company. After six months of training at a private business school , Berggötz found a job in 1913 as a clerk and clerk at the Evangelical Foundation Administration in Karlsruhe . During the First World War he did military service from 1915 to 1918 with the Landsturm and with the Train Battalion in Durlach. In 1927 he moved from the foundation administration to the senior church council of the Evangelical Church in Baden , where he worked as a finance inspector. Berggötz had been married since 1921; the marriage resulted in five children.

Within the church, Berggötz was involved in the Church-Positive Association , which opposed the liberalism that was initially predominant in the Baden regional church. In 1928 he joined the Christian Social People's Service (CSVD) , which appeared in Baden as the Evangelical People's Service (EVD), and became deputy to the state chairman Hermann Teutsch . Berggötz was one of the three EVD members of the Baden state parliament from 1929 to 1933 , where he campaigned, among other things, for the ban on Carnival and higher taxation of alcohol.

After the transfer of power to the National Socialists in 1933, Berggötz belonged to the Confessing Church . During the Second World War he was drafted into the Wehrmacht in 1939 and was a member of the army administration until 1942. Berggötz was harassed by Nazi functionaries within the Evangelical Upper Church Council; nevertheless he was promoted to the chief accountant in 1943. From 1944 he was a preacher in diaspora communities .

After the liberation from National Socialism , Berggötz joined the CDU after initial hesitation. At the beginning of February 1946 he was elected one of the four deputy chairmen of the CDU regional association in North Baden . In January 1946, Berggötz was appointed to the provisional parliament for Württemberg-Baden . From 1946 he was a member of the Karlsruhe municipal council, where he unsuccessfully campaigned for the independence of the city of Durlach, which was forcibly incorporated in 1938. Berggötz rejected the 1952 merger of Baden and Württemberg to form the state of Baden-Württemberg . In 1959 he moved from the CDU to the Baden People's Party (BVP), a regional party that campaigned for the restoration of the state of Baden. In November 1959 Berggötz was re-elected as the only BVP representative to the Karlsruhe municipal council, of which he was a member until 1965. In autumn 1965 he switched to the NPD, which he saw as a Christian and national-conservative force with a large number of voters.


  • Günter Opitz: Berggötz, Heinrich. In: Fred Ludwig Septainter (Ed.): Baden-Württembergische Biographien. Volume V, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2013, ISBN 978-3-17-024863-2 , pp. 24-26.

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