Heinrich Johannes Bleeker

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Heinrich Johannes Bleeker (born September 3, 1850 in Emden ; † 1914 ) was a German captain of the North German Lloyd (NDL) in Bremen .


Bleeker grew as a full orphan in Emden orphanage on. After attending elementary school, he tried to hire a Kuff at the age of 14 , but did not succeed. A year later, after completing an office training, he tried again, this time with success.

From August 1870 to March 1871 Bleeker served in the voluntary sea ​​defense in Geestemünde (today a district of Bremerhaven ) and from October 1872 to 1874 in the 2nd sailor division in Wilhelmshaven .

He then turned back to civilian seafaring and was honored on August 1, 1877 in Emden for excellent performance in the practical test to become a lake helmsman on a long voyage. In 1881 he passed the test to become a captain on a long journey in Leer . Bleeker drove, among other things, for the North German Lloyd, where he also held his first command as captain.

In 1901, after the end of the Boxer Rebellion in China , he was entrusted with the task of transporting the brother of the Emperor of China , Prince Chun , to Germany on an expiatory voyage. This expiatory trip was imposed on China for the damage inflicted on Germany in the Boxer Rebellion, but in particular for the murder of the German ambassador in Beijing , Clemens von Ketteler . He was also entrusted with the return journey. He was awarded the Chinese Order of the Dragon for correct treatment .

At the beginning of December 1908, at the age of 58, Bleeker had to give up shipping for health reasons. In 1914 he died of a heart condition. Shortly before his death, Bleeker was "Schaffer" at the traditional Bremen Schaffermahlzeit . Bleeker was married and had four daughters.


A pilot station ship, the “ Kapitän Bleeker ”, was named after Heinrich Johannes Bleeker in 1963 .