Heinrich Klenz

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Wilhelm Heinrich Karl Friedrich Klenz , also Wilhelm Heinrich Carl Friedrich Klenz (born August 25, 1860 in Kröpelin , † January 25, 1925 in Berlin-Steglitz ) was a German linguist and literary researcher, editor and writer.


Heinrich Klenz was born as the son of the sexton Johann Joachim Heinrich Klenz and his wife Marie Dorothea Louise Charlotte Friederike, geb. Clement , born in Kröpelin, where he spent childhood and youth. Apparently, Klenz came from a remarkably high-profile family background: among his four godparents there is a Mecklenburg-Schwerin state minister, a court musician from Schwerin and a musician from Rostock.

After attending the large city school in Wismar , he studied classical philology in Freiburg and Rostock . In Freiburg he was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD. As a freelance writer and as a newspaper and publishing editor, he worked in Freiburg, Kassel , Münster , Leipzig and Berlin .


Kürschner's German Literature Calendar 1907

Heinrich Klenz gained fame through the publication of “Kürschner's German Literature Calendar” from 1904 to 1917. Studies on the German printer language and the “Schelten dictionary” are also important. He also published literary monographs on the work of Fritz Reuters , the volume of poetry "Fierabendskläng" and more.

Publications (selection)

  • The sources of Joachim Rachel's first satire. The poetic woman or evil seven. Dissertation. Freiburg 1899.
  • The German printer language. Strasbourg 1900.
  • Dörchläuchting (Serenissimus). Comedy in 5 acts based on Fritz Reuter's novel “Dörchläuchting”. Leipzig 1906.
  • Explanations of Fritz Reuter's works. To "Ut mine Stromtid". 2 parts. Leipzig 1905 f.
  • Fierabendskläng. Greifswald 1922.
  • Scold dictionary. The professional, especially craftsmen scolding and related. Strasbourg 1910.


  • Peter Hansen: The Low German authors and their works. Hansen, Hamburg 2008

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Form of name according to the baptism entry in the church register Kröpelin.
  2. Parish Kröpelin, church book, birth and baptism entry No. 55/1860.

Web links

Wikisource: Heinrich Klenz  - Sources and full texts