Heinrich Ludwig of Hesse

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Heinrich Ludwig von Hessen (also: von Hesse ) (* January 1736 in Sawadden (Lyck district); † October 7, 1809 in Gaudenz) was a Prussian major general .



His parents were the man on Sawadden NN von Hessen and his wife Anna Hedwig, née von Taubenheim († 1746).

Military career

Hesse came to Berlin as a cadet on September 30, 1750 and was employed as a private corporal in the 1st Guard Battalion of the Prussian Army on August 4, 1756 . During the Seven Years' War he fought near Leuthen and Kolin . On January 9, 1758 he became Ensign of the Guard and on December 10, 1760 second lieutenant .

After the war he was promoted to prime lieutenant on March 20, 1769 . As captain and company commander , Hesse came to the newly formed infantry regiment "von Rohr" on January 30, 1774 . On June 19, 1775 he became major and took part in the War of the Bavarian Succession in 1778/79 . On September 26, 1784 he became lieutenant colonel and on December 7, 1784 regimental commander. On December 25, 1786, Hesse was subsequently awarded the order Pour le Mérite for his services during the Seven Years' War . On May 23, 1787 he was promoted to colonel . Hesse received his resignation on May 10, 1792 with a pension of 800 thalers. In addition, the king gave him the character of major general on June 30, 1792 . After the lost war , he received a notification on March 12, 1808 that his pension could no longer be paid, for which he received a grant of 50 thalers. He died on October 7, 1809 in Gaudenz.


His wife is unknown. But he had offspring:

  • Theodor (* 1766 in Potsdam; † August 26, 1794), died near Warsaw as a second lieutenant in the infantry regiment "von Bonin"
  • Karoline Amalie Tugendreich (* 1768) ∞ Friedrich von Hochstetter, Colonel in the Infantry Regiment "von Anhalt"


Individual evidence

  1. Gustaf Lehmann: The knights of the order pour le mérite. P. 179.