Heinrich Pforr

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The Sermon on the Mount , size approx. 3 × 9 m, painted by Heinrich Pforr in 1932 for St. Aegidien , has been hanging in St. Matthäus, Hann. Münden, Hermannshagen district, (photo from April 26, 1999)

Heinrich Pforr (born October 26, 1880 in Laudenbach am Hohen Meißner , † September 17, 1970 in Hann. Münden ) was a German painter , draftsman and photographer .


Pforr was born in Laudenbach am Meißner. He was the first-born child of the married couple Justin and Katharina Elise Pforr. Heinrich Pforr had ten other siblings. Pforr himself suffered from polio , which resulted in a lifelong handicap. As a child he painted and drew portraits of his schoolmates. The talented draftsman received a scholarship from 1897 to 1898 at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Kassel . He was trained in drawing patterns and making lithographs. The first still lifes and landscapes were created .

In 1899 Pforr enrolled at the art academy in Karlsruhe and became a student of Caspar Ritter and later a master student of Ferdinand von Keller . Pforr has been working as a freelancer since 1907. In Karlsruhe he was strongly influenced by Hans Thoma , who offered Pforr a teaching position in 1909, which he refused. In 1909 Pforr moved to Mannheim and from there undertook a trip to the north until he finally returned to Laudenbach in 1912. After getting married and starting a family in Laudenbach in 1914, Heinrich Pforr moved to Hannoversch-Münden in 1924. There he acquired Vogelsang No. 13 (today: Vogelsang 51 ) with a studio on the upper floor and lived there until his death.

Pforr was the father of three sons, Walter, Karl and Helmut.

Picturesque work

Heinrich Pforr was primarily a landscape painter from his north Hessian homeland, and he was a great genre and portrait painter of his time. But he also painted pictures of children and still lifes with flowers. He remained true to his realistic style until the end of his career.

According to the catalog raisonné, the following works are known:

  • Portraits: about 332 paintings
  • Landscapes and Places: approx. 402 paintings
  • Genre: approx. 520 paintings
  • Still life: approx. 45 paintings
  • Sketches: approx. 294 drawings
  • Commercial art: approx. 58 graphics
  • Sermon on the Mount , painted in 1932 for St. Aegidien , has been hanging in St. Matthäus, Hann. Münden, Hermannshagen district

Signature & monogram

  • H. Pforr
  • HP


  • Art Association Munich , 1905
  • Great Berlin art exhibition a . Karlsruhe Art Association 1907
  • Baden-Baden German art exhibition 1909
  • Speyer Palatinate Art Association 1910
  • Munich in the Glaspalast u. Karlsruhe Art Association 1911
  • Mannheim, Berlin and Karlsruhe art associations 1912
  • Göttingen United Art Friends 1913
  • Kassel Kunsthaus am Ständeplatz in 1922
  • Hamm Municipal Museum 1925
  • Memorial exhibition in Laudenbach, 1981
  • Hessischer Museumsverband eV Kassel, 1983 in the Orangery
  • Special exhibition on the occasion of the 130th birthday, 'Die Hoaderlumpen' theater group Laudenbach, 2010

Works in museums

  • Bad Oeynhausen, fairy tales and Weser saga museum
  • Ludwigstein Castle
  • Großalmerode, glass and ceramic museum
  • Karlsruhe, State. Art house
  • Kassel, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Neue Galerie
  • City Museum Kassel graphic collection
  • Marburg, University Museum
  • Frankfurt am Main, Struwwelpeter Museum


  • Honorary citizen of the village of Laudenbach am Meißner (on his 70th birthday in 1950)
  • Goethe Medal of the State of Hesse (1960)
  • Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon (October 20, 1960)
  • Heinrich-Pforr-Strasse in Hann. Münden and Laudenbach (1960)


  • Exhibition catalog Kunstverein Kassel, 1909, pp. 10–12.
  • Joseph August Beringer : Baden painting 1770–1920 . Karlsruhe 1922, p.
  • Heimat-Schollen 1928, p.?.
  • Hans Dittmer (Ed.): Heinrich Pforr. Becoming and creating a German painter . (With 8 color plates, 16 art plates and many text illustrations). Bärenreiter-Verlag, Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe 1938.
  • Pforr, Heinrich . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. tape 3 : K-P . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1956, p. 582 .
  • Uwe Reher: Heinrich Pforr 1880-1970, home on the Meissner. An exhibition by the Hess. Museumsverband eV and the State Art Collections Kassel . Kassel 1983, ISBN 3-9800508-4-X .
  • Yearbook of the district of Kassel 1983, p.
  • Leo Mülfarth : Small lexicon of Karlsruhe painters . 2nd Edition. Badenia-Verlag, Karlsruhe 1987, ISBN 3-7617-0250-7 , p.
  • Gorenflo 2, 1989
  • Wollmann 1992
  • Schwers 2, 1982; 3, 1994
  • Paul Schmaling: Artist Lexicon Hessen-Kassel 1777-2000 . Kassel 2001, p.?.
  • With palette and camera. A documentation with previously unpublished recordings by and with Heinrich Pforr (1880-1970) on the occasion of his 130th birthday on October 26th, 2010 . The Hoaderlumpen, Laudenbach 2010 [1] .
  • Sven-Wieland Staps: Pforr, Heinrich . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 95, de Gruyter, Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-11-023261-5 , p. 338.

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