Heinrich Philipp Hedemann

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Heinrich Philipp August Hedemann (born August 16, 1800 in Berlin or Treptow an der Rega ; † March 24, 1872 in Berlin) was a lawyer, local politician and mayor of Berlin from 1860 to 1872.


Grave site at the old Luisenstadt cemetery (2016)

Born the son of a tax adviser, Hedemann studied law in Berlin, Greifswald and Göttingen after attending grammar school in Demmin . During his studies he was a member of the 1820 Berlin fraternity Arminia and 1821 the Burschenschaft union general Greifswald . In 1821 he became because of his union activities Burschenschaft in Greifswald Karzerhaft convicted. After graduating, he became an assessor at the Köslin Higher Regional Court .

In 1830 Hedemann became a trainee lawyer at the Berlin Court of Appeal and in 1832 received Berlin citizenship. From 1832 he worked as a city councilor in Berlin and in 1834 became the city's syndic . From 1844 to 1848 he was a co-founder and representative of the magistrate and chairman of the newly founded Berlin Craftsmen's Association, a voluntary association of workers, masters and journeymen from different professions. In 1860 he was elected mayor and deputy mayor , and he held the office until his death.

Hedemann was a Freemason and since 1836 a member of one of the boxes of the Berlin Grand Lodge Royal York for Friendship .

After his death in 1872 a street in southern Friedrichstadt was named after him: Hedemannstraße connects Stresemannstraße across Wilhelmstraße with Friedrichstraße .

Heinrich Hedemann was buried in the old Luisenstadt cemetery . The grave was dedicated to the State of Berlin from 1964 to 2017 .



  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume I: Politicians. Sub-Volume 2: F-H. Winter, Heidelberg 1999, ISBN 3-8253-0809-X , pp. 269-270.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume I: Politicians. Sub-Volume 2: F-H. Winter, Heidelberg 1999, ISBN 3-8253-0809-X , p. 269.
  2. Hedemann, Heinrich (1800–1872) Entry in the Kalliope network , accessed on February 6, 2016
  3. ^ A b Heinrich Philipp Hedemann. Friedparks.de, accessed on February 6, 2016.
  4. Craftsmen's Association . In: List of honors of the Luisenstädtischer Bildungsverein .
  5. Bruno Peters: Berlin Freemasons: a contribution to the cultural history of Berlin. Luisenstädtischer Bildungsverein , Berlin 1994, p. 27: “In 1836 he became a Freemason in the Pythargoras Lodge for the Flaming Star. "Unlike the Freimaurer-Wiki.de: " since 1836 member of the Johannisloge to winning truth (RYzF) ". Retrieved on February 6, 2016.
  6. Hedemannstrasse. In: Street name lexicon of the Luisenstädtischer Bildungsverein (near  Kaupert )