Heinrich von Keyserlingk-Rautenburg

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Heinrich Werner Ernst Count von Keyserlingk-Rautenburg (born March 2, 1831 at Rautenburg Castle near Tilsit , Niederung district ; † May 12, 1874 in Baden-Baden ) was a German diplomat.


Heinrich von Keyserlingk was born as the son of the German-Baltic lawyer and manor owner Otto von Keyserlingk zu Rautenburg and Emma nee. Baroness von Behr . He studied at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . In 1851 he became a member of the Corps Borussia Bonn . After graduating, he became a Prussian and later a German diplomat. From 1862 to 1865 he was the Prussian envoy to the Greek court in Athens . Then he was Consul General of the North German Confederation in Bucharest . From 1869 to 1872 he was the extraordinary envoy and authorized minister of the North German Confederation and the German Empire at the Ottoman Porte in Constantinople . Von Keyserlingk was married to Countess Marie von Anrep-Elmt .


Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 19 , 314
  2. Appointment of federal envoys to foreign powers. From November 20, 1869 on de.wikisource.org
  3. Tobias C. Bringmann : Handbuch der Diplomatie, 1815-1963: Foreign Heads of Mission in Germany and German Heads of Mission abroad from Metternich to Adenauer . Walter de Gruyter , Berlin 2001, p. 112 .

See also

predecessor Office successor
Robert von der Goltz Prussian envoy in Athens
Johann Emil von Wagner