Helga Kutz-Bauer

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Helga Kutz-Bauer (born Helga Bauer * 21st August 1939 in Königsberg / East Prussia ) is a German sociologist , social historian, politician of the SPD and author .

Helga Kutz-Bauer around 1990

Career and life

Helga Bauer was born in Königsberg (East Prussia) in 1939. After the escape, she lived with her mother and brother in Lower Saxony . The father has been missing since 1945. She completed an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk in Hanover . Afterwards she obtained the Chamber of Commerce diploma for business English through evening courses and worked for a year as an export secretary at the Yema watch factory in Besançon . In 1966 she passed the Abitur at the evening grammar school in Hanover, after which she began studying sociology and economic and social history at the University of Hamburg . In 1971 she graduated as a sociologist.

She married Martin Kutz, and a son was born. 1988 PhD for " Dr. phil. “With a thesis on the labor movement in Hamburg under the Socialist Law .


Kutz-Bauer became a member of the SPD in 1960. In 1966 she joined the Social Democratic University Association (SHB) and was AStA chairwoman in the 1967 summer semester. She was a member of the student parliament for several semesters.

From 1970 to 1974 she was a member of the Eimsbüttel district assembly and from 1971 to 1980 a member of the state executive committee of the SPD Hamburg. From 1974 to 1978 she was a member of the Hamburg Parliament .

In 1976, together with the CDU politician Birgit Breuel , Kutz-Bauer initiated a cross-party conference of 15 women MPs. Seven of them belonged to the SPD, five to the CDU and three to the FDP. The politicians founded the “Action Group against the Disadvantage of Women in Family, Politics and Society”. The first thing the politicians raised in parliament was a question about the revision of Paragraph 218 and asked, among other things, whether it was correct that the deliberations in the Hamburg expert center for abortion should in part take place with open doors. A number of similar initiatives followed.

From 1985 to 2003, Kutz-Bauer headed the Hamburg State Center for Political Education . From 2003 to 2014 she was chairwoman of the Working Group of Formerly Persecuted Social Democrats Hamburg (AvS).



  • Königsberger pattern. Of luck and need (1807–1923). Social historical novel. Wuerzburg 2008
  • Königsberg crossroads. Of happy days and terrible times (1923-1945). Social historical novel. Wuerzburg 2008
  • Town hall construction, craft and workers. Hamburg 1997

Scientific publications

  • Workers, workers 'movement and the bourgeois state in the time of the Great Depression: a regional and social historical study on the history of the workers' movement in the greater Hamburg area from 1873 to 1890, Bonn 1988. 464 pp.
  • Three towers that don't fall in: The coat of arms of the Federal Agency for Civic Education.
  • What does women-specific learning and action mean? Political education as a male discourse and a male domain. From politics and contemporary history . Supplement to the weekly newspaper Parliament. B 25-26 / 1992. Pp. 19-31.
  • Introduction and interview in: Grolle, I. u. Bake, R. "I practiced juggling with three balls". Women in the Hamburg citizenship 1946 to 1993. Ed. By the state center for political education.
  • Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. City of superlatives; In: Hans-Georg Wehling (Ed.): The German countries. History - Politics - Economy. Opladen 2002, ISBN 3-8100-3229-8 .
  • with Gerhard Fuchs: Municipal politics in Hamburg, in: Wehling / Kost, Municipal politics in the Federal Republic, VS Verlag 2003.
  • Hamburg, the center of the German labor movement (1863-1890), in: Alles für Hamburg. The history of the Hamburg SPD from its beginnings to 2007, Hamburg 2008.
  • "Who can make amends ...? We can only compensate living things ... "Introduction to: Working Group of the formerly persecuted Social Democrats (Avs), (Ed.)" That the question of reparation has become a public scandal ". On the activities of the formerly persecuted Social Democrats 1945 - 2005. Hamburg 2008 (also available as a PDF file (2.52 MiB) )
  • Susanne Hensse / Helga Kutz-Bauer: Three arrows in Kulmer Gasse. Hamburg-Bamberg memories of a Hamburg social democrat, Hamburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-929728-61-3 .
  • Helga Kutz-Bauer / Max Raloff: Advancement through education. A social democratic success story. 2012 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Series Discussion Group History, Issue 94, ISBN 978-3-864-980-54-1 .
  • Helga Kutz-Bauer / Holger Martens : Persecution as a political experience. Hamburg Social Democrats after 1945. Hemburg 2013, ISBN 978-3-929728-76-7 .

Web links