Herbert Ziegenhahn

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Herbert Ziegenhahn (1984)

Herbert Ziegenhahn (born October 27, 1921 in Dankerode ; † June 29, 1993 ) was a German SED functionary. He was a member of the Central Committee of the SED and 1st secretary of the SED district leadership in Gera .


Herbert Ziegenhahn was born on October 27, 1921 as the son of a small farmer family in Dankerode. After graduating from elementary school, he attended an agricultural vocational school and worked from 1936 to 1941 as a farm worker, bricklayer and in his parents' business. As a soldier in the Wehrmacht , he was deployed as a gunner and in a sound monitoring company. Ziegenhahn was taken prisoner by the Soviets , from which he returned to Germany in 1949 after attending Antifa schools . In 1950 he first became a community representative, in 1951 he was mayor of his home community of Dankerode, and a little later of Harzgerode . Associated with this was joining the SED in 1951. In 1952 the party entrusted him with the post of 1st secretary of the SED district leadership in Quedlinburg , which he remained until 1959. At the same time, the SED had delegated him from 1954 to 1960 to a distance learning course at a party college. He completed this course as a social scientist. From 1959 to 1963, Ziegenhahn was the first secretary of the SED district leadership in Dessau . He then moved to the Gera district in January 1963 and was appointed 1st Secretary of the Gera SED district leadership by the SED. At the same time he became a candidate for the Central Committee of the SED and a member of the Gera District Parliament. In 1963 he also received a mandate from his party as a member of the People's Chamber . In September 1966, Ziegenhahn became a full member of the Central Committee of the SED. He held all these offices until the political change in the GDR in autumn 1989.

On November 2, 1989, he resigned as 1st Secretary of the Gera District Management. On December 3, he and others were removed from the Central Committee by resolution of the Central Committee and at the same time expelled from the SED “because of the seriousness of their violations of the SED statute and in view of numerous demands and motions from district delegate conferences”. Herbert Ziegenhahn died in 1993.

Herbert Ziegenhahn's son Herbert Ziegenhahn jun. was a WASG candidate for the mayoral election in Gera in 2006 and was a member of the WASG regional executive committee.



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Commons : Herbert Ziegenhahn  - Collection of Images