Heribert Kandler

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Heribert Kandler (born March 13, 1890 in Chemnitz , † July 9, 1968 in Harderberg ) was a German judge in occupied Poland and a member of the Lower Saxony Parliament ( BHE ) in the Federal Republic .


After attending the community school and the secondary school in Bromberg , Kandler began studying law. From 1914 to 1916 he took part in the First World War , most recently in the rank of lieutenant in the reserve. He moved to Pomerania in 1918 as an expellee from the east . In 1919 he worked in the Pomeranian border guard ; in the same year he became a member of the DNVP and remained so until March 1933. From December 23, 1921 he was a court assessor, assistant judge and lawyer representative. In 1923 he became a district judge in Bublitz . In 1924 he joined the Stahlhelm , in which he remained until 1935 (most recently as district leader). Until 1931 he was a district council and district committee member in Bublitz and Köslin . He served as a district judge from January 1, 1931 to September 30, 1937 in Stargard in Pomerania , from October 1, 1937 to August 25, 1939 in Stettin and from December 1, 1939 to April 30, 1940 in Posen.

In the meantime he had joined the German Air Sports Association on April 1, 1934 , the NSV in May 1934 , the Reich Association of German Officials in October 1935 , the Reich Air Protection Association on April 1, 1935, the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge on June 1, 1935, and the German War Graves Commission in September 1935 Nazi cultural community , on October 24, 1935, the district men's association Köslin-Land and on April 1, 1936, the NSDAP ( membership number 3,731,696), in which he was from July 1, 1938 as local group leader and training director of the NSDAP local group Stargard-Altstadt was active. He also belonged to the SA reserve in 1933 (most recently as a troop leader), joined the Reich Colonial Association on October 1, 1937, and the Nazi Old Men Association in the same year . On September 1, 1938, he was accepted into the Nazi Warrior League .

From August 26 to November 30, 1939, Kandler served as captain of the reserve and as head of the muster staff in the Stargard military district command in Pomerania. His last known rank was Lieutenant in the Reserve. He was awarded the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class and the Wound Badge in Black.

From May 1, 1940 to January 17, 1945 he was president of the district court in Litzmannstadt . Subordinate to him was the Litzmannstadt Special Court , in which 281 death sentences were passed by the respective chamber chairmen between 1940 and 1945, one of them and at the same time his deputy in office was the judge Horst Neubauer . The regional court had only a few tasks in relation to the Litzmannstadt ghetto , since the SS administration practiced vigilante justice to a large extent. From September 2, 1940, he was also a document clerk and Reichsbank legal advisor at the Reichsbank office in Litzmannstadt. In 1943 he was head of the NSDAP district personnel office in Litzmannstadt. From March 1, 1944, he worked as a community leader of the NSDAP , from April 20, 1944 as a local group leader. From March 6 to April 12, 1945 he was still president of the regional court and head of the administrative staff of the Poznan Higher Regional Court .

In Kandler's denazification appointment procedure of September 18, 1948, he was denazified in Category IV as a “fellow traveler”. In the retrial of the denazification main committee Osnabrück he was reclassified in category V as "exonerated" by decision of November 30, 1951. He had largely concealed the numerous honorary positions he held in various National Socialist organizations.

Kandler had been a member of the BHE since July 1950, where he became district chairman and a member of the state board. Kandler was a member of the Lower Saxony state parliament (2nd electoral period) from June 6, 1951 to May 5, 1955 as a member of the BHE and GB / BHE parliamentary groups. In the state parliament he was from June 4, 1951 to May 5, 1955 a member of the committee for legal and constitutional questions and from October 10, 1952 to December 1, 1952 a member of the zone border committee.


  • Stephan A. Glienke: The Nazi past of a later member of the Lower Saxony state parliament . Final report on a project of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen on behalf of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Published by the President of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Revised reprint of the first edition. Hannover 2012, pp. 106, 168f ( online as PDF) .
  • Barbara Simon : Member of Parliament in Lower Saxony 1946–1994. Biographical manual. 1996, page 190.
  • Holger Schlüter: "... known for humanity in terms of punishment ..." The Litzmannstadt Special Court and its presiding judge. Ministry of Justice of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf 2006.