Hermann Bruckhoff

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Hermann Bruckhoff

Hermann Otto Paul Bruckhoff (born September 23, 1874 in Neuenhagen in der Neumark , † March 10, 1956 in Lübeck ) was a German politician ( Progressive People's Party , DDP , LDP ).

Life and work

After attending the elementary school in Neuenhagen in the Neumark , Bruckhoff, who was of Protestant faith, first graduated from the preparation institute in Drossen and then the teacher training institute for boys' handcraft in Leipzig . He also attended lectures in history and philosophy as a guest student at the University of Berlin . After passing the first teacher examination in 1895, he served in the 12th Grenadier Regiment in Frankfurt (Oder) the following year . In 1897 he passed the second teacher examination and was henceforth a teacher in Zechin im Oderbruch, in Grunow in the district of Crossen (Oder) , inNordhausen , active in Klein Neuendorf im Oderbruch, in Deutsch-Nettkow in the Crossen (Oder) district and from 1904 in Guben .

After the Second World War he lived in Aschersleben , Zollberg 1, and worked from 1945 to 1948 as a pastor of the Evangelical Church in Aschersleben.


During the Empire, Bruckhoff belonged to the Progressive People's Party , of which he was chairman in Guben from 1909. In 1918 he participated in the founding of the DDP and took over the chairmanship of the Guben local association. From 1912 to 1918 he was a member of the Reichstag for the constituency of Frankfurt (Oder) 6 ( Züllichau - Schwiebus - Crossen ). In 1919/20 he was a member of the Weimar National Assembly .

After 1945 he became a member of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). In the state elections in the province of Saxony in 1946 , he was elected as a candidate for constituency IV (Aschersleben, Bernburg, Quedlinburg) in the state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt . Bruckhoff resigned his state parliament mandate after a short time, his successor on January 10, 1947 Richard Haag .


  • Hillger, Handbook of the German Constituent Assembly , Leipzig 1919.
  • Martin Schumacher (Hrsg.): MdR The Reichstag members of the Weimar Republic in the time of National Socialism. Political persecution, emigration and expatriation, 1933–1945. A biographical documentation . 3rd, considerably expanded and revised edition. Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-5183-1 .
  • Mathias Tullner : Between democracy and dictatorship: the local elections and the elections for the provincial parliament in Saxony-Anhalt in 1946 , State Center for Political Education, Magdeburg 1997, p. 97.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Address book of the city of Aschersleben from 1947/48
  2. Evangelical Church Aschersleben ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.evangelische-kirche-aschersleben.de
  3. Imperial Statistical Office (Ed.): The Reichstag elections of 1912 . Booklet 2. Berlin: Verlag von Puttkammer & Mühlbrecht, 1913, p. 85 (Statistics of the German Reich, vol. 250).