Hermann Greiner (politician)

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Hermann Greiner (born February 12, 1886 in Stangenbach , Wüstenrot municipality , † June 25, 1976 in Neckarsulm ) was a German politician ( SPD ). From 1946 to 1950 he was first a member of the State Constituent Assembly for Württemberg-Baden and then of the State Parliament of Württemberg-Baden .


Greiner grew up first in Stangenbach and from around 1900 in Heilbronn . The family was poor and he had to look after his mother Karoline Christine Greiner and the four siblings at an early age because his stepfather neglected them. After completing elementary school , he did an apprenticeship as a lathe operator and fitter and worked for various companies from 1903 to 1906, including the NSU engine works in Neckarsulm. Military service and other jobs followed, until he and his wife Katharina born in 1910. Wüst moved to Neckarsulm, where he worked as an iron turner at NSU. In 1917 he was co-founder and then from 1921 managing director and board member of Heimstättengenossenschaft Neckarsulm, a housing cooperative, for decades .

In 1905 Greiner had become a member of the free trade unions , and in 1910 he joined the SPD. Solving social problems and eliminating emergencies were his main political concerns. After the First World War he was a member of the Neckarsulm workers' council in 1919 . In the same year he was elected to the Neckarsulm municipal council, of which he was a member until June 1933. During the National Socialist era he was politically persecuted, taken into so-called “ protective custody ” and taken to the Heuberg concentration camp. In 1944 the Gestapo finally arrested him along with other SPD members and took him to the Dachau concentration camp , from which he returned in September 1944, badly marked.

After the end of the Nazi dictatorship he was appointed deputy mayor by District Administrator Emil Beutinger on April 27, 1945. In this position he represented Johannes Häussler, who was temporarily removed from office, until May 1946 . He ran for the Neckarsulm mayoral election on March 21, 1948, but lost to Häussler.

From 1947 to 1965 Greiner was again a member of the Neckarsulm local council, was again deputy mayor and from 1946 to 1971 was also a member of the district council of the Heilbronn district . In 1946 he was first elected to the state constituent assembly for Württemberg-Baden and then to the first state parliament of Württemberg-Baden , both times in constituency 16, Heilbronn . He was a member of the state parliament for one legislative period until 1950 .


In 1952, Hermann Greiner was the first citizen of the Heilbronn district to receive the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon and in 1968 the Federal Cross of Merit, 1st class. On February 11, 1956, the eve of his 70th birthday, the city of Neckarsulm made him an honorary citizen "in recognition of his services to the city" . In 1978, in his honor, the Neckarsulm secondary school was renamed the Hermann Greiner secondary school Neckarsulm .


  • The honorary citizens of the city of Neckarsulm . In: Barbara Griesinger (Red.): Neckarsulm. The story of a city . Edited by the city of Neckarsulm. Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 1992, ISBN 3-8062-0883-2 , pp. 507-509
  • Frank-Roland Kühnel: state parliaments, members of parliament and constituencies in Baden-Württemberg 1946 to 2009. From the provisional parliament of Württemberg-Baden to the 14th state parliament of Baden-Württemberg. State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 2009, ISBN 978-3-923476-01-5 , p. 201
  • Josef Weik: The members of the state parliament in Baden-Württemberg 1946 to 2003. 7th edition. State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-923476-03-5 , p. 53
  • Anton Heyler: Neckarsulm in the ups and downs of half a century. Chronicle 1900–1950 . Verlag Otto Welker, Neckarsulm 1955, pp. 90-91, 99, 100, 101
  • Anton Heyler: Chronicle of the City of Neckarsulm. January 1, 1951 to December 31, 1976 . City of Neckarsulm, Neckarsulm 1989, DNB 900086815 , pp. 22, 149, 177, 209

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Individual evidence

  1. Announcement of awards of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. In: Federal Gazette . Vol. 20, No. 239, December 21, 1968.