Hermann Lang (sculptor)

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Hermann Lang (born August 13, 1856 in Heidenheim an der Brenz , † October 8, 1916 in Munich ) was a German sculptor and medalist .

Tomb for Karl Haider by Hermann Lang.


From 1875 to 1876 Lang was a student of Theodor Wagner and Adolf von Donndorf in Stuttgart, where he ran his own studio from 1886. From 1892 to 1895 he was a student of Adolf von Hildebrand in Munich. Since 1896 he had his own studio in Munich. In the spring of 1895 and in the autumn of 1905 he went on study trips to Italy.

Hermann Lang was a member of the German Association of Artists , at whose first annual exhibition in 1904 he showed a portrait bust of Carl von Liebermeister .

On behalf of the Krupp company in Essen , Hermann Lang designed a memorial for Li Hongzhang in 1906 . This was set up in the garden of the memorial temple made for Li Hongzhang in Shanghai .


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1893 Seated shepherd, relief.
1895 Statuette of St. Sebastian.
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(or 1898)
Grave of Countess Lanckoroński in Vienna.
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before 1898 Portrait bust.
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1898 Tympanum relief on the main portal of the Evangelical Paulus Church in Heidenheim.
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1903 Liebermeister monument, marble bust on the building of the Munich University Hospital. According to Julius Baum, a bust of Liebermeister also exists in the medical clinic in Tübingen.
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1903 The risen one, linden wood, gilded, Friedenskirche in Ludwigsburg .
1904 Badge for Adolf Bayersdorfer .
1904 Bust of August Pauly.
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1906 Christ and Thomas, exterior relief on the Church of the Redeemer in Munich.
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1906 Draft for the Reformation Monument in Stuttgart.
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1907 Crucifix, limestone, in the Markuskirche in Stuttgart.
1909 Plaque for Martin Greif .
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1911 Draft for the Reformation Monument in Stuttgart.
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1911/1912 Larger than life statue of the builder Ulrich von Ensingen in Ulm Minster , 1911/1912.
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1912 Sandal loosener, marble relief.
1912 Tomb of Martin Greif in Zangberg- Palmberg.
1912 Tomb of the composer Burkhart in Nürtingen .
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from 1912 Karl Haider's tomb in Schliersee .
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1912-1916 Statue of Johann Adam von Seuffert on the outside facade of the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg (second figure from left).


Web links

Commons : Hermann Lang  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. ^ Full members of the German Association of Artists since it was founded in 1903 / Lang, Hermann. ( kuenstlerbund.de ).
  2. ^ Exhibition catalog X. Exhibition of the Munich Secession: The German Association of Artists (in connection with an exhibition of exquisite products of the arts in the craft). Publishing house F. Bruckmann, Munich 1904 (p. 39: Lang, Hermann, Munich. Cat . No. 204: portrait bust (original), marble. Fig. 67 in the unnumbered part of the picture).
  3. 1906, Memorial to Li Hongzhang
  4. a b Julius Baum : The Stuttgart art of the present. P. 212 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  5. ^ Probably Countess Franziska Xaveria Lanckoroński born. from Attems-Heiligenkreuz.
  6. Here is an excerpt with the head of the crucified, title vignette of the Christian Kunstblatt for church, school and home .