Holger Thomas

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Chart positions
Explanation of the data
Please move out
  DE 38 07/15/1982 (2 weeks)

Holger Thomas (born July 18, 1956 in the Wilhelmshaven district of Heppens ) is a former German pop singer and radio host .


In the summer of 1976, the 20-year-old car mechanic was voted “Bravo Boy” of the year in the youth magazine Bravo in the annual “Teen Election”. He then received record offers. Although he preferred the Rolling Stones , Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple , he was able to develop into a pop singer. He signed with CBS , where producer Dieter Zimmermann (including Costa Cordalis , Ricky Shayne , Roberto Blanco , Ingrid Peters ) took care of him. The first single was released in late autumn 1976 and was called Hey, Disco Queen . Zimmermann died in 1978, from then on Didi Zill took over the up-and-coming artist until the CBS period ended. Zill, for example, produced the German version of the Smokie title Liverpool Docks , which was launched as A Lifetime in the Liverpool Docks . He is also responsible for the hit He has' ne punk rock band in Oberhausen , with whom Thomas appeared in 1978 on the ZDF music show disco . Thomas only entered the chart in 1982 with Zieh noch aus , a cover version of Chilly's Secret Lies , which was published by Polydor . Thomas first moved to Munich and preferred to appear in discotheques in southern Germany . His trademark were extremely tight jeans . He later returned to the north.

On March 28, 1983 he took last place with Marie, Marie… , another cover version in the ZDF hit parade . It was only marginally better a few days earlier at the German preliminary decision for the Eurovision Song Contest 1983 in Unterföhring , which was also broadcast live, with the song My Hit is called Susi Schmidt . After this double flop, his career as a pop singer was over for the time being. In 1989 there was a new attempt, but it is not certain how seriously he was meant, because from around 1985 he worked as a music editor and radio presenter at the Kiel broadcaster NDR 1 Welle Nord . As an expert on Schlager, he made it onto the American Billboard , where he explained the hit revival. He was of the opinion that the Germans no longer wanted to hear complicated songs with difficult lyrics. They would want to sing along, forget all their worries and be happy. Nothing is more suitable for this than hits, especially those from the 1970s.

The opinion about him or his music is quite critical. His style is called, for example, "philistine hits" or "hectic retro hits with rock'n'roll echoes".

Discography (singles)

  • 1976: Hey, Disco Queen (CBS)
  • 1977: When summer came (German version of Harpos In the Zumzumzummeright , CBS)
  • 1977: Rock 'N' Roll Rhapsody (CBS)
  • 1977: A pair of jeans and my guitar (CBS)
  • 1978: He has a punk rock band in Oberhausen (CBS)
  • 1978: A lifetime at Liverpool Docks (German version by Smokies Liverpool Docks , CBS)
  • 1979: Carnival in the Secret Annex (German version of Huey "Piano" Smith ' Sea Cruise , CBS)
  • 1980: I'm running out of breath (Philips)
  • 1982: Let's Escape (Polydor)
  • 1982: move out (German version of Chillys Secret Lies , Polydor)
  • 1983: Marie, Marie ... (German version of Olsen Brothers ' Marie, Marie , Polydor)
  • 1983: My hit is called Susi Schmidt (Polydor)
  • 1989: Lend me your love (Extra Records)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Günter Ehnert (Ed.): Hit balance sheet. German chart singles 1981–1990 . Taurus Press. Verlag popular music-literature GmbH, Hamburg 1991, ISBN 3-922542-44-1 , p. 245 .
  2. a b eavo: Come kissing short course: Flavor- assured hit connoisseur in 5 minutes. In: www.muenster.de. Retrieved June 22, 2015 .
  3. a b Gerald Büchelmaier: Holger Thomas. What a bachelor dreams of . In: The leisure magazine . 1977, p. 18 (Issue number is not available).
  4. a b c A man for the hit charts . In: MusikWoche . The news magazine for the music industry. No. 2-3 / 1998 , January 12, 1998, scene. Made in Germany, p. 32 .
  5. a b Holger Thomas - He has a punk rock band in Oberhausen. In: popmoderne.wordpress.com. August 20, 2009, accessed June 22, 2015 .
  6. a b c d World Cup: Eurovision preliminary decision special - The 80s! Part 2: 1982 and 1983. (No longer available online.) In: prinz.de. July 30, 2010, archived from the original on June 23, 2015 ; accessed on June 22, 2015 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / blog.prinz.de
  7. NDR: From everyday studio life. Retrieved September 8, 2017 .
  8. Wolfgang Spahr: Schlager Sees Boom On-Air, At Retail . In: Billboard . The International Newsweekly of Music, Video, and Home Entertainment. November 28, 1998, International. The Latest News and Views from Around the World, p. 40 and 56 .

Web links