Hotelling's T- square distribution

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The Hotelling's T-square distribution is a probability distribution that was first described by Harold Hotelling in 1931 . It is a generalization of the Student's t-distribution .


Hotelling's T-square distribution is defined as


  • a number of points
  • is a column vector with elements
  • is a - covariance matrix .


Let it be a random variable with a multivariate normal distribution and (independent of ) have a Wishart distribution with a non-singular variance matrix and with . Then, the distribution is : , Hotelling's T-squared distribution with parameters and .

be the F-distribution . Then it can be shown that:


Assuming that

Are column vectors with real numbers.

be the mean. The positive definite matrix

be your “sample variance” matrix. (The transpose of a matrix is denoted by). Let be a column vector (if used an estimator of the mean). Then the Hotellings T-squared distribution

has a close relationship with the squared Mahalanobis distance .

In particular, it can be shown that if are independent and and are as defined above, then Wishart has a distribution with degrees of freedom such that

and is independent of and


It follows

Individual evidence

  1. ^ H. Hotelling (1931). The generalization of student's ratio, Ann. Math. Statist., 2 (3), pp. 360-378, doi : 10.1214 / aoms / 1177732979 JSTOR 2957535 .
  2. ^ KV Mardia, JT Kent, and JM Bibby (1979) Multivariate Analysis , Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-471250-9 .