Hubert Cremer

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Hubert Cremer

Hubert Cremer (born December 27, 1897 in Munich , † February 26, 1983 in Merzhausen ) was a German mathematician . From 1949 to 1966, Cremer was a full professor of mathematics at Chair C for mathematics and large computer systems at RWTH Aachen University and author of several books.


Hubert Cremer, son of the physiology professor Max Cremer , was the brother of the physical chemist Erika Cremer and the electrical engineer and acoustician Lothar Cremer , as well as the father of the physicist Christoph Cremer , the human geneticist Thomas Cremer and the economist Georg Cremer , Secretary General of the German Caritas Association . He was married to Elisabeth Rahner


In July 1952 he organized the first conference on electronic computers in Germany at RWTH Aachen University, at which the astrophysicist Ludwig Biermann (Göttingen, where the G1 of his colleague Heinz Billing was running as the first German electronic computer system ), Alwin Walther , Konrad Zuse , Joachim Weyl (who reported on the development in the USA) and Hans Bückner (analog computer, Schoppe and Faeser in Minden) gave lectures. Participants also was Heinz Nixdorf , who was then working on computers at RWE, and his boss Josef Lücking. On Cremer's initiative, the first data center of today's type in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia was founded at RWTH Aachen University in 1956/57 , and he was head of it until 1965 . In 1958 Cremer campaigned for the acquisition of the Z 22 from Zuse KG . The Z 22 was the first mass-produced tube computer and the seventh model that Konrad Zuse designed. The system was in operation until the end of 1966 and was then located in the former RWTH Aachen computer museum.

academic career

Professor Cremer completed his studies in mathematics, physics and chemistry in 1927 with a doctorate under Ludwig Bieberbach at the University of Berlin . After changing activities as an assistant in Münster and Leipzig , he completed his habilitation in 1931 at the University of Cologne . Here he was also appointed associate professor in 1938. In 1940 he was appointed full professor at the Technical University in Breslau , where he stayed until the end of the war.

In 1946 he came to RWTH Aachen University as part of a teaching position . In 1949 he was appointed full professor to the chair of mathematics and was appointed director of the Mathematical Institute.

Cremer researched mainly in the field of function theory , in particular on the iteration theory of rational functions founded by Pierre Fatou and Gaston Julia in 1918/19. In 1925 Cremer wrote a review article on the Fatou-Juliasche theory. In his own results on the topic, his contributions to the problem of the center should be mentioned above all . The points he called “non-centers” are now called Cremer points in his honor . Further important work was devoted to the areas of theoretical acoustics and stability theory of control engineering and he dealt with ship hydrodynamics and flow problems in wind tunnels. In the area of ​​teaching, his lectures on electronic computing systems and his programming courses should be mentioned in particular. The first calculating machine colloquium on German soil took place on his initiative and under his direction in 1952 in Aachen .


  • with Franz Kolberg: For the stability test of control systems using two-position curve methods . Research reports of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Vieweg / Teubner 1964
  • with Franz Kolberg: On the theory of the movement of a ship in limited fairway conditions . Research reports of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Vieweg / Teubner 1966
  • with Franz Kolberg: The influence of currents on the wave resistance of ships . Research reports from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Westdeutscher Verlag 1964
  • with Friedrich Heinz Effertz, Karl Hermann Breuer: For the synthesis of two-pole electrical networks with prescribed frequency characteristics . Research reports of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag 1964
  • with Friedrich Heinz Effertz, Wilhelm Meuffels: About feasibility criteria for the synthesis of two-pole electrical networks with prescribed frequency dependence . Research reports of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag 19643
  • Carmina mathematica and other poetic sins of youth . 3. Edition. Mayer, Aachen 1965
  • with Georg Schmitz: Speed ​​corrections in wind tunnels with closed and open measuring sections with compressible subsonic flow . Research reports from the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1961
  • Editor: Problems in the development of program-controlled computing devices and integration systems . Lectures of the colloquium on program-controlled computing devices and integration systems in July 1952 at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Mathematisches Institut C, RWTH Aachen 1953
  • To the center problem . In: Mathematische Annalen , Volume 98, 1927, pp. 151–163 (dissertation)

In his Carmina mathematica (in German) Cremer tried to convey mathematical insights in cheerful verse form.

Web links

Commons : Hubert Cremer (mathematician)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hubert Cremer's sons Christoph and Thomas talk about 40 years of joint research into the functional genome architecture ( Memento of the original from December 25, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ Franz Weigl, Ludwig Battista, Anton Heinen, Elisabeth Rahner, Maria Montessori : Pedagogy and Didactics of the Age Levels . Kösel & Pustet, Munich 1931–1934.
  3. Anton Heinen, Elizabeth Rahner, Maria Montessori : family and children education . Kösel & Pustet, 1934.
  4. The thought of the training of mothers in its development from Comenius to the present. Dissertation Elisabeth Rahner, 1936
  5. Computerszene 1952, HNF
  6. Hubert Cremer in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used
  7. On the iteration of rational functions . In: Annual Report of the German Mathematicians Association , Volume XXXIII, 1925, pp. 185–209.
  8. ^ Hubert Cremer: Carmina Mathematica and other poetic sins of youth . Drawings by Maria-Letizia Mancino. 7th edition increased by GroßDelta. JA Mayer Verlag, 1982