A hundred patriotic songs

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One hundred patriotic songs ( Chinese 100 shǒu "àiguó gēqǔ" , official name: One hundred recommended patriotic songs by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China , Office of Spiritual Civilization , and ten other departments and commissions ) were published in 2009 on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China .

In May 2009, the Chinese government institution known as "Zhongyang wenmingban" (Office of Spiritual Civilization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China), the Association of Chinese Literature and Art, and the Chinese Association of Musicians conducted a survey on their websites in mainland China among the Internet Users to the most popular 100 patriotic songs ( 100 shou "aiguo gequ" ) started, with 23.35 million votes cast. After evaluating the online voting, the Chinese Ministry of Public Relations and the Department of Public Relations of the CPC Central Committee and ten other ministries and commissions published a list.

National anthems ( guoge ), military hymns ( young ) and Association hymns ( tuange ) - as the national anthem of the People's Republic of China , the military anthem of the People's Liberation Army or the anthem of the Communist Youth League of China - found in no recording.


The Chinese names were always preceded by the Pinyin spelling , the titles were provided with a makeshift German translation. The Chinese information in the Title, Text & Music columns comes from the list.

No. title text music various
01 Shi song hongjun十送红军 (Ten farewell escorts for the Red Army) Zhang Shixie张士燮 Zhu Zhengben朱正 本 - Jiangxi minge 江西 民歌 (Jiangxi folk song) Text / chin.
02 Hongjun zhanshi xiangnian Mao Zedong红军 战士 想念 毛泽东 (The Red Army soldiers think of Mao Zedong) Chen Yadeng陈 亚丁, Ren Hongju任 红 举 Shi Lemeng时 乐 濛, Yan Ke彦 克 Text / French
03 Hongxing ge红星 歌 (Song of the Red Star) Wu Dawei邬 大为, Wei Baogui魏宝贵 Fu Gengchen傅 庚辰
04th Yingshanhong映山红 (Azalea) Lu Zhuguo陆柱国 Fu Gengchen傅 庚辰
05 Qing shen yi chang情深谊长 (deep love and eternal friendship) Wang Yinquan王 印 泉 Zang Dongsheng臧东升
06th Guo xueshan caodi过 雪山 草地 (Let's cross the snow mountains and pastureland) Xiao Hua肖华 Chen Geng晨 耕, Sheng Mao生 茂, Tang He唐 诃, Yu Qiu遇 秋
07th Wuyue de xianhua五月 的 鲜花 (Flowers of the month of May) Guang Weiran光 未然 Yan Shushi阎 述 诗
08th Baowei Huang He保卫 黄河 (Protect the Yellow River) Guang Weiran光 未然 Xian Xinghai冼星海
09 Zai Taihang Shan shang在 太行山 上 (On the Taihang Shan) Gui Taosheng桂 涛声 Xian Xinghai冼星海 Text / French
10 Eryue lilai二月 里 来 (In the month of February) Sai Ke赛克 Xian Xinghai冼星海
11 Youjidui ge游击队 歌 (partisan song) He Lüting贺绿汀 He Lüting贺绿汀 Text / French
12 Yan'an song延安 颂 (Ode to Yan'an) Mo Ye莫耶 Zheng Lücheng郑 律 成
13 Nanniwan南泥湾 (Nanniwan) He Jingzhi贺 敬之 Ma Ke马 可
14th Dongfang hong东方 红 ( The east is red ) Li Youyuan李有源, Gong Mu公 木 Shanbei minge 陕北 民歌 (folk song from Northern Shaanxi) Text / French
15th Gechang Erxiao fangniulang歌唱 二 小 放 牛郎 (The little cowherd Erxiao) Fang Bing方 冰 Qie Fu劫 夫
16 Tuanjie jiushi liliang 团结就是 力量 (Unity makes you strong) Mu Hong牧 虹 Lu Su卢 肃
17th Shui bu shuo an jia xiang hao谁 不 说 俺 家乡 好 (The whole world admires my homeland) Lü Qiming吕其明, Yang Shuzheng杨 庶 正, Xiao Peiheng肖培 珩 Lü Qiming吕其明, Yang Shuzheng杨 庶 正, Xiao Peiheng肖培 珩
18th Hong mei zan红梅赞 (praise of the red plum vinegar) Yan Su阎 肃 Yang Ming羊 鸣, Jiang Chunyang姜春阳, Jin Sha金砂
19th Meiyou gongchandang jiu meiyou xin Zhongguo没有 共产党 就 没有 新 中国 (No new China without the Communist Party) Cao Huoxing曹 火星 Cao Huoxing曹 火星 Text / French
20th Zanmen gongren you liliang咱们 工人 有 力量 (We workers are strong) Ma Ke马 可 Ma Ke马 可
21st Gemingren yongyuan shi nianjing革命 人 永远 是 年轻 (Revolutionaries are always young) Jie Fu劫 夫 Jie Fu劫 夫, Zhongyi 中 艺 (Chinese song)
22nd Gechang zuuo 歌唱祖国 (Song of Praise to the Fatherland) Wang Shen王 莘 Wang Shen王 莘 Text / French
23 Caoyuan shang shengqi bu luo de taiyang草原 上升 起 不 落 的 太阳 (The sun rises over the steppe) Meiliqige美丽 其 格 Meiliqige美丽 其 格
24 Wo de zuguo我 的 祖国 (My beloved fatherland) Qiao Yu乔羽 Liu Chi刘炽
25th Yingxiong tongs英雄 英雄 (Heldenode) Gong Mu公 木 Liu Chi刘炽
26th Mao Zhuxi de huar ji xinshang毛主席 的 话儿 记 心上 (May we carry the words of Chairman Mao in our hearts) Fu Gengchen傅 庚辰 Fu Gengchen傅 庚辰
27 Yuanfang de keren qing ni liu xialai远方 的 客人 请 你 留下 来 (guests from afar, you are cordially invited) Fan Yu范 禹 Jin Guofu金国富, arranged by Mai Ding 麦丁
28 Kuaile de jieri快乐 的 节日 (Rejoicing) Guan Hua管 桦 Li Qun李群
29 Women de tianye我们 的 田野 (Our Field) Guan Hua管 桦 Zhang Wengang张文纲
30th Rang women dang qi shuangjiang让 我们 荡起 双桨 (Let's swing the oars) Qiao Yu乔羽 Liu Chi刘炽
31 Renmin jundui zhongyu dang人民 军队 忠于 党 (The People's Army remains loyal to the party) Zhang Yongmei张永 枚 Xiao Min肖 民
32 Wo ai zuguo de lantian我 爱 祖国 的 蓝天 (I love the blue sky of my country) Yan Su阎 肃 Yang Ming羊 鸣
33 Women zouzai dalu shang我们 走 在 大 路上 (Let's move forward on the big road) Que Fu劫 夫 Que Fu劫 夫
34 Chang zhi shange gei dang ting唱 支 山歌 给 党 听 (A folk song in praise of the party) Jiao Ping焦 萍 Jian Er践 耳
35 Fanshen nongnu ba gechang翻身 农奴 把 歌唱 (Song of the Liberated Serf) Li Kun李 堃 Yan Fei阎 飞
36 Wo wei zuuo xian shiyou我 为 祖国 献 石油 (I offer oil to my country) Xue Zhuguo薛柱国 Qin Yongcheng秦咏诚
37 Bianjiang chuchu sai Jiangnan边疆 处处 赛 江南 (It's even more beautiful in the border regions than in Jiangnan) Yuan Ying袁 鹰 Tian Ge田歌
38 Gongren jieji yinggutou工人阶级 硬骨头 (The working class is a hard bone) Xi Yang希 扬 Qu Wei瞿 维
39 Wo ai Beijing Tian'anmen我 爱 北京 天安门 (I love the Gate of Heavenly Peace in Beijing) Jin Guolin金 果 临 Jin Yueling金月苓
40 Beijing songge北京 颂歌 (Ode to Beijing) Hong Yuan洪源 Tian Guang田光, Fu Jing傅 晶 Text / French
41 Zuguo song祖国 颂 (Ode to the Fatherland) Qiao Yu乔羽 Liu Chi刘炽
42 Wo ai zhe lanse de haiyang我 爱 这 蓝色 的 海洋 (I love the blue sea) Hu Baoshan胡宝善, Wang Chuanliu王 川流 Hu Baoshan胡宝善
43 Taiyang zui hong, Mao zhuxi zuiqin 太阳最 红 , 毛主席 最 亲 (The sun is reddest and Chairman Mao is closest to you) Fu Lin付 林 Wang Xiren王锡仁
44 Wo wei wei da zuuo zhangang我 为 伟大 祖国 站岗 (I am a guardian of the great fatherland) Wei Baogui魏宝贵 Zhao Bang钊 邦, Tie Yuan铁 源
45 Wo ai Wuzhi Shan, wo ai Wanquan He我 爱 五指山 , 我 爱 万泉河 (I love the Wuzhi Shan, I love the Wanquan He!) Zheng Nan郑 南 Liu Chang'an刘长安
46 Zhongguo, Zhongguo, xianhong de taiyang yongbu luo中国 , 中国 , 鲜红 的 太阳 永不 落 (China, China, the red sun never sets) Ren Hongxing任 红 举, He Dongjiu贺 东 久 Zhu Nanxi朱 南溪
47 Bianjiang quanshui qing you chun边疆 泉水 清 又 纯 (The source of the border area gushes clear and pure) Kai Chuan凯 传 Wang Ming王 酩
48 Wo ai ni, Zhongguo我 爱 你 , 中国 (China, I love you) Qu Cong瞿 琮 Zheng Qiufeng郑秋枫
49 Women de shenghuo chongman yangguang我们 的 生活 充满 阳光 (Our Sunlit Life) Qin Zhiyu秦志 钰 u. a. Lü Yuan吕 远, Tang He唐 诃
50 Meili de caoyuan wo de jia美丽 的 草原 我 的 家 (I'm at home in the beautiful steppe) Huo Hua火 华 A la teng ao le阿拉 腾 奥勒
51 Women meili de zuguo我们 美丽 的 祖国 (Our beautiful homeland) Zhang Minghe张 名 河 Xiao Dan晓丹
52 Dang'a, Qin'ai de mama党 啊 , 亲爱 的 妈妈 (Our party is my dear mother) Gong Aishu龚 爱 书, She Zhidi佘 致 迪 Ma Dianyin马 殿 银, Zhou You周 右 Text / French
53 Zai xiwang de tianye shang在 希望 的 田野 上 (Full of hope in the field) Xiaoguang晓光 Shi Guangnan施光南
54 Chang Jiang zhi ge长江 之 歌 (Song of the Yangtze River) Hu Hongwei胡宏伟 Wang Shiguang王世光
55 Wo ai ni, sai bei de xue我 爱 你 , 塞北 的 雪 (I love you, snow of the northern steppe) Wang De王德 Liu Xijin刘锡 津
56 Gulangyu zhi bo鼓浪屿 之 波 (waves of Gulangyu) Zhang Li张 藜, Hong Shu红 曙 Zhong Limin钟立民
57 Dili dili嘀 哩 嘀 哩 (Dili dili) Wang An望安 Pan Zhensheng潘振 声
58 Shaonian, shaonian, zuguo de chuntian少年 , 少年 , 祖国 的 春天 (children, children - the home of spring) Li Yourong李幼容 Ji Ming寄 明
59 Gesheng yu weixiao歌声 与 微笑 (singing and smiling) Wang Jian王健 Gu Jianfen谷建芬
60 Dongfang zhi zhu东方之珠 (Pearl of the East) Luo Dayou罗大佑 Luo Dayou罗大佑
61 Wo de Zhongguo xin我 的 中国 心 (My Chinese Heart) Huang Zhan黄 霑 Wang Fuling王福 龄
62 Long de chuanren龙的传人 (Descendants of the Dragon) Hou Dejian侯德健 Hou Dejian侯德健
63 Dahai a, guxiang大海 啊 , 故乡 (Great Sea, my home) Wang Liping王立平 Wang Liping王立平
64 Zuguo, cixiang de muqin 祖国, 慈祥 的 母亲 (homeland, loving mother) Zhang Hongxi张鸿 西 Lu Zaiyi陆 在 易
65 Nanwang jinxiao难忘 今宵 (Unforgettable evening) Qiao Yu乔羽 Wang Ming王 酩
66 Xiao baiyang小 白杨 (Small felt poplar) Liang Shangquan梁上 泉 Shi Xin士 心
67 Shuo ju xinlihua说句 心里话 (words of the heart) Shi Shunyi石顺义 Shi Xin士 心
68 Wanli changcheng yongbu dao万里长城 永不 倒 (The Great Wall will never overturn) Lu Guozhan卢 国 沾 Li Xiaotian黎小田
69 Shaonian zhuangzhi bu yan chou少年 壮志 不 言 愁 (You don't have to worry about a child with great ideals) Lin Ruwei林 汝为 Lei lei雷蕾
70 Gongheguo zhi lian共和国 之 恋 (love for the republic) Liu Yiran刘 毅然 Liu Weiguang刘 为 光
71 Yazhou xiongfeng亚洲 雄风 (Strong wind blows from Asia) Zhang Li张 藜 Xu Peidong徐沛东
72 Chaoyue mengxiang超越 梦想 (Beyond Dreams) Han Bao韩 葆, Hu Zheng胡 峥 Wang Xiaofeng王晓峰
73 Jintian shi ni de shengri今天 是 你 的 生日 (Today is your birthday) Han Jingting韩静霆 Gu Jianfen谷建芬
74 Da Zhongguo大 中国 (Great China) Gao Feng高枫 Gao Feng高枫
75 Dangbing de ren当兵 的 人 (We the soldiers) Wang Xiaoling王晓岭 Zang Yunfei臧云飞, Liu Wu刘斌
76 Zhongguoren中国 人 (Chinese) Li Anxiu李安 修 Chen Yaochuan陈耀川
77 Wuxing hongqi 五星红旗 (red flag with five stars) Tian Ming天明 Liu Qing刘青
78 Hongqi piaopiao红旗 飘飘 (The red flag flutters in the wind) Qiao Fang乔 方 Li Jie李杰
79 Qingzang gaoyuan青藏高原 (Qinghai-Tibet Plateau) Zhang Qianyi张 千 一 Zhang Qianyi张 千 一
80 Zai Zhongguo dadi shang在 中国 大地 上 (In the vast area of ​​China) Xiao Guang晓光 Shi XIn士 心
81 Wo he wo de zuguo我 和 我 的 祖国 (Me and my country) Zhang Li张 藜 Qin Yongcheng秦咏诚
82 Chuntian de gushi春天 的 故事 (Spring story) Jiang Kairui蒋开儒, Ye Xuquan叶 旭 全 Wang Yougui王佑贵
83 Zoujin xin shidai走进 新 时代 (Departure into a new time) Jiang Kairu蒋开儒 Yin Qing印 青
84 Zhufu zuuo 祝福祖国 (blessing to the land) Qing Feng清风 Meng Qingyun孟庆云
85 Tongyi shou ge同一 首歌 (The same song) Chen Zhe陈哲, Ying Jie迎 节 Meng Weidong孟卫东
86 Ai wo Zhonghua爱我中华 (We love our China) Qiao Yu乔羽 Xu Peidong徐沛东 web
87 While shui为了 谁 (who?) Zou Youkai邹 友 开 Meng Qingyun孟庆云
88 Hao rizi好日子 (beautiful life) Che Xing车行 Li Xin李 昕
89 Zuimei haishi women Xinjiang最美 还是 我们 新疆 (The best is still my Xinjiang) Zhao Si'en赵思恩 Wubuli Tuohuti吾 布 力 • 托 乎 提
90 Qizi zhi ge - Aomen七 子 之 歌 -- 澳门 (Song of the Seven Sons - Macao) Wen Yiduo闻 一 多 (诗) Li Haiying李海鹰
91 Tianlu天 路 (Road to Heaven) Qu Quan屈 塬 Yin Qing印 青
92 Zuguo bihui wangji 祖国不会 忘记 (Never forget home) Yue Tan月 潭 Cao Jin曹 进
93 Shuo Zhongguo说 中国 (Let's Talk About China) Ceng Xianrui曾宪瑞 Jiang Dawei蒋大为
94 Hongchuan xiang weilai红 船 向 未来 (The red boat swims forward) Zhou Yuqiang周羽强 Zhang Hongqi张 红旗
95 Guang ming xing光明 行 (Promising Trip) Yu Wenqin虞文琴 Lei Yuansheng雷远生
96 Gongheguo xuanze le ni共和国 选择 了 你 (The Republic has chosen you) Qu Cong瞿 琮 Ning Lin宁林
97 Jiang Shan江山 (Jiang Shan) Xiao Guang晓光 Yin Qing印 青
98 Qizhi song旗帜 颂 (Ode to the flag) Yan Su阎 肃 Yin Qing印 青
99 Hexie jiayuan和谐 家园 (Harmony of my family) Yi Nanxin易 南 新 Jiang Dawei蒋大为
100 Guojia国家 (My Country) Wang Pingjiu王平 久 Jin Peida金培达

Web links

See also

References and footnotes

  1. Chinese   100 首 "爱国 歌曲" , Pinyin 100 shǒu "àiguó gēqǔ" , English 100 patriotic songs - the word àiguó can also be translated as love of the country or homeland.
  2. Chinese Zhongxuanbu ; which in English is also translated as Propaganda Department or Publicity Department .
  3. Zhongyang wenmingban 中央 文明办; with full Chinese name: Zhongyang jingshen wenming jianshe zhidao weiyuanhui bangongzhi 中央 精神文明 建设 指导 委员会 办公室.
  4. Chinese Zhongxuanbu, Zhongyang Wenmingban deng 10 buwei tuijian 100 shou aiguo gequ 中宣部 、 中央 文明办 等 10 部委 推荐 100 首 爱国 歌曲, or short: Zhongxuanbu tuijian 100 shou aiguo gequ.
  5. 《关于 广泛 开展 “爱国 歌曲 大家 唱” 群众 性 歌咏 活动 的 通知》
  6. With full Chinese name: Zhongyang jingshen wenming jianshe zhidao weiyuanhui bangongzhi 中央 精神文明 建设 指导 委员会 办公室 (Abbreviation Zhongyang wenmingban 中央 文明办).
  7. Zhongguo wenxue yishu jie lianhehui 中国 文学 艺术界 联合会 (Abbreviation Zhongguo wenlian 中国文联).
  8. Zhongguo yinyue jia xiehui 中国 音乐家 协会 (Abbreviation Zhongguo yinxie 中国 音 协).
  9. chin. 100 首 "爱国 歌曲"
  10. or Ministry of Propaganda (Chin. Zhōng-Gòng Zhōngyāng Xuānchuánbù 中共中央 宣传部; short. Zhōngxuānbù 中宣部)
  11. Chinese 中国人民解放军 军歌; Pinyin: Zhōngguó rénmín jiěfàngjūn jūngē.
  12. Zhōngguó Gòngchǎnzhǔyì Qīngniántuán 中国 共产 主义 青年团.
  13. news.163.com: 中宣部 推荐 100 首 爱国 歌曲 龙的传人 等 入选