Hypomyces lateritius

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Hypomyces lateritius
Spruce irritant with Hypomyces lateritius

Spruce irritant with Hypomyces lateritius

Class : Sordariomycetes
Subclass : Hypocreomycetidae
Order : Crust ball mushrooms (Hypocreales)
Family : Crustball relatives (Hypocreaceae)
Genre : Hypomyces
Type : Hypomyces lateritius
Scientific name
Hypomyces lateritius
( Fr. ) Tul. & C.Tul.

Hypomyces lateritius ( syn. Peckiella lateritia ) is a hose fungus from the family of the crust ball relatives (Hypocreaceae), whichparasitizeson the fruiting bodies of various milklings or pigeons, especially irritants . The deformed mushrooms are called stone irritants or deaf irritants .


Macroscopic features

The fungus covers the fruiting bodies of the irritant core with a hard coating, the so-called subiculum, and colors them red-brown to ocher. The subiculum does not change color with KOH . The perithecia are formed on the hymenophore of the host and can be recognized as dots that are regularly distributed and sunk in the subiculum so that only the opening can be seen. They are 300–470 µm long and 170–360 µm wide, are yellow-brown to brown and turn yellow with KOH. The secondary fruit form can be found in the field on mummified fruit bodies and forms a white cotton wool mycelium between the lamellae of the host.

Microscopic features

The tubes thickened at the apex are on average 90–150 µm × 4–8 µm in size. The spindle-shaped ascospores measure (15) 21-27 (-30) × (3-) 4-5.5 (-6) micrometers, are unseptate and have a fine black surface.

In culture, the fungus forms slowly growing colonies on malt extract agar , which reach 5-7 mm in a week and consist of a cottony mycelium, white, odorless on both sides and only a sparse aerial mycelium. No thick-walled cells are formed.


Hypomyces lateritius attacks milklings especially from the Reizker section , especially the Edel-Reizker , Spruce-Reizker and the wine-red pine-Reizker . Furthermore, the camphor milkling , the pink-angular milkling , the larch-Reizker , the red-brown milkling , the Flatter-Milchling , the birch-Reizker and the Nordic Milchling are settled as hosts. The fruit bodies of the hosts are deformed and hard.


Hypomyces lateritius presumably occurs wherever its hosts, the dairy animals, also occur, for example all over North America from Alaska to central Mexico. In Europe it occurs from France to the Ukraine . In Asia up to Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan and Western Siberia. It is also documented from New Zealand .


In contrast to its relative Hypomyces lactifluorum , which is valued as a market mushroom in Mexico and the USA, Hypomyces lateritius makes its hosts, the Reizker (or other milklings) or deafblings, hard and inedible .



Põldmaa, K., Farr, DF, & McCray, EB Hypomyces Online , Systematic Mycology and Microbiology Laboratory, ARS, USDA, accessed November 27, 2011.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Synonyms of Hypomyces lateritius. In: speciesfungorum.org. Index Fungorum, accessed November 27, 2011 .
  2. ^ Günter RW Arnold: Gigantic ascospores in Peckiella lateritia (Fr.) Maire . In: Hermann Jahn (Ed.): Westfälische Mushroom Letters . tape 7 , 1968 ( online [PDF; 125 kB ]).
  3. ^ Clark T. Rogerson & Gary J. Samuels: Agaricicolous Species of Hypomyces . In: Mycological Society of America (Ed.): Mycologia . Vol. 86 ,, No. 6, 1994, pp. 839-866 , JSTOR : 3760597 .

Web links

Commons : Hypomyces lateritius  - collection of images, videos and audio files