Crime scene: I don't kill anyone

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title I don't kill anyone
Country of production Germany
original language German
Bavarian radio
length 90 minutes
classification Episode 1055 ( List )
first broadcast
April 15, 2018 on Das Erste
Director Max Färberböck
script Max Färberböck,
Catharina Schuchmann
production Kirsten Hager
music Richard Ruzicka
camera Felix Cramer
cut Vera van Appeldorn ,
Susanne Hartmann

I Kill Nobody is a TV movie from the crime series Tatort . The by Bayerischer Rundfunk Post produced the 1055 Crime Scene episode and was on April 15, 2018 First erstgesendet. The Franconian investigative duo Voss and Ringelhahn are investigating their fourth case.


Ahmad Elmahi observes how three students push a pizza delivery boy from the moped, which then flies against the curb and has been in a wheelchair ever since. Dutifully, he keeps himself at the disposal of the judiciary and testifies against the perpetrators, so that the main culprits are convicted. After the trial, Elmahi is advised to go into hiding, because members of a football club headed by the Nazi-minded Theodor Pflüger want to "give him a lesson". When they want to put their plan into action, however, they meet Elmahi's foster parents, a pair of siblings, and beat them to death. Paula Ringelhahn and Felix Voss have to put the puzzle together piece by piece to solve the case. During her investigative work, Frank Leitner, an investigator from the fraud department, with whom Paula Ringelhahn was previously friends, suffers a fatal car accident. Ringelhahn blames himself because Leitner recently wanted to contact her, but she didn't have time. The whole thing becomes mysterious when a conspicuous wig hair found at the crime scene leads to Leitner and his wife and it turns out that the soccer coach Pflüger is Frank Leitner's father-in-law. According to the investigation, Leitner's children were involved in the tour of revenge against Elmahi and Leitner could no longer agree with his conscience as a police officer to keep quiet about it. On the evening of the accident he wanted to discover what his wife Gudrun could not allow. She provoked the car accident through a deliberately induced negative drug interaction.

Ahmad Elmahi, who has been hiding with a friend the whole time and who had actually sworn not to kill anyone, now wants to take revenge. He forces the actual perpetrator, Udolf Rasch, to make a confession, which he records with a cell phone so that the police can find evidence of guilt when they arrive and arrest Rasch. Elmahi, who found out from Rasch that Pflüger was the instigator of the crime, looks for him in his house and shoots him. Then he tries to take his own life, which Commissioner Voss can prevent and Elmahi is "only" seriously injured. Commissioner Ringelhahn interrogates Gudrun Leitner and makes it clear to her that she will prove her husband's murder.


The film was shot in Nuremberg from September 5, 2017 to October 6, 2017.



“Again and again the plot takes an unforeseen direction, and again and again characters reveal unexpected truths that change and sharpen the view of what is happening. This 'crime scene' develops its force through a series of clever confrontations. The dialogues are some of the best you've heard in the crime series of late; We do not play absurd good-cop-bad-cop games. And luckily also on undercover missions. "

- Christian Buss : Spiegel Online

“Everything falls apart and the film is unusually consistent in depicting this disintegration accordingly. Voices from the off, actions in dark rooms, people are put on the stage without a long introduction, towards the end two decisive sequences are performed as a dialogue or monologue, because this crime scene breaks all boundaries again. [...] If you look closely and, above all, listen, you will be [...] rewarded with pearls of the art of dialogue in a Sunday evening thriller. "

“But someone really let off steam. And since the victims are well-integrated foreigners, a few social groups almost automatically come into question: Either they were Nazis, or it was the Mafia or a family quarrel. [...] New people are introduced all the time, all of whom seem so sad that a depressive mood slowly but surely ruins the evening watching TV. That doesn't help the story. Just like the constant loud screaming [...] screaming is not dramaturgy. "

- Stefan Scheurer : SWR3

Audience ratings

The first broadcast of I kill no one on April 15, 2018 was seen by 8.68 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 24.8% for Das Erste .

Web links

Commons : I'm not killing anyone  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Crime scene: I don't kill anyone at crew united
  2. ^ Christian Buß: Franconian "crime scene" about xenophobia. In the dark heart of Gau-Land. In: Culture. Spiegel Online, April 13, 2018, accessed on April 13, 2018 : "Rating: 9 out of 10"
  3. Holger Gertz: Dark. Süddeutsche Zeitung, April 14, 2018, accessed on April 14, 2018 .
  4. SWR3 crime scene review: I don't kill anyone
  5. Manuel Weis: Primetime check: Sunday, April 15, , April 16, 2018, accessed on April 23, 2018 .