Imam Birgivi

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Imam Birgivi (actually Ottoman تقي الدين محمد بن علي İA Taqi ad-Din Muhammed ibn Ali , Arabic: al-Birkawī ; * 1523 in Balıkesir ; † 1573 in Izmir ) was a ʿĀlim (scholar) and Kazasker (army judge) in the Ottoman Empire . He was the teacher of Kadızade Mehmed Efendi and is considered the most important inspirer for the founding of the Kadizadeli , a Salafi reform movement. Although his legal and religious views are generally considered to be Hanefite , he is said to be close to the Hanbalites . In his function as Faqih (legal scholar) he judged demonstrably according to Hanefite law. He was the son of Pir Ali, a teacher at a madrasa . He spoke standard Arabic , Turkish , Persian and Ottoman .

Life and views

After Birgivi had received his first Islamic lessons from his father and learned Arabic and became a Hafiz , he studied at a madrasa in Istanbul and then joined the dervish order of the Bayramiyyah. In the Orient, such Sufi orders are called " tariqa ". Birgivi stayed in his order until he achieved the rank of Sufi master.

After Birgivi came into spiritual contact with the writings of Ibn Taimiya in his studies , he turned against Sufism . He accused the Sufis of basing their religious views on fabricated hadith , lies and popular practices.

Birgivi wrote his works mostly in Arabic. Among his best-known is the work aṭ-Ṭarīqatu'l-muḥammadīya ("The mystical order based on the teachings of Muḥammad"), written in Arabic , in which he opposes the Sufis practiced, from his point of view heretical innovations in the faith (Arabic Bidaʿ called), which in his opinion stand between unbelief ( kufr ) and forbidden ( harām ). In the bid'at-ı anaasana (good renewal) and bid'at-ı seyyie (bad renewal) adopted by Sufi scholars , one cannot use istiḥsān (good thinking) like Abu Hanifa , since they are much worse than in Abu Hanifa's time. For Birgivi the belief was that the souls of the Awliya (friends of God / saints) or of prophets "Hathir" can be alive and answer prayers as well as be in several places at the same time kufr.

He rejected the doctrine of the “unity of being” ( wahdat al-wudschūd ) and sharply criticized its author, Ibn ¡ Arab∆, by declaring him to be an unbeliever Kafir . He contradicted the view ibn Arabis regarding "Pharaoh's faith". In the case of the prophet 's parents problem , he took the view that 'the parents of the Messenger of God ... died as unbelievers'.

The domain of the right and the prohibition of the reprehensible ” he saw as wajib . While he accepted astronomy , he rejected astrology , as well as largely ʿIlm al-kalām , which can only be learned and used to refute opponents; Theological debates should be reduced to what is absolutely necessary.

Birgivi took the view that it was not permissible to recite or teach the Koran for a fee. The resulting controversy between him and Sheikh ul-Islam Ebus-suud went into Katib Çelebi in his treatise Mīzān al-ḥaqq fī iḫtiyār al-aḥaqq (“The scales of truth in choosing the right person”).

Birgivi worked in Edirne as a prayer leader, then he founded a madrasa near Izmir with Imam Ataullah Efendi (a teacher and acquaintance of Selim II ) , in which he taught himself. During his visits to Istanbul, he met statesmen like Sokollu Mehmed Pasha , who is considered one of Birgivi's greatest supporters, to discuss the empire's bad virtues such as corruption. In his view, the key to eliminating these lies in Islam, which must be cleansed of all bid'a and practiced, as the Prophet Mohammed and the Salaf aṣ-Ṣāliḥ (Companions of Mohammed) did. Under Murad III. Sokollu Mehmed Pasha's opponents got stronger and stronger; Sokollu Mehmed Pasha was in 1579 by a Sufi - Dervish murdered after these numerous actions initiated against Sufis in the way.

Birgivi wrote 29 works that are known. In addition to aṭ-Ṭarīqatu'l-muḥammadīya he also wrote the document "The Way of Muhammad", which was translated into French by Garcin de Tassy in 1822. The English translation comes from Tosun Bayrak, the Turkish from Celâl Yıldırım. The original is written in Arabic. His work Vasiyetname , which was addressed to the people and called on Muslims to honesty, piety, cohesion and brotherhood, he wrote specifically in Kaba Türkçe , a vulgar and simple variant of the Ottoman language of his time. It was spoken mainly by the lower classes, workers and peasants.


In his work aṭ-Ṭarīqatu'l-muḥammadīya , in which he relies primarily on the views of ibn Taimiyya , Birgivi names numerous acts as unauthorized renewal and prohibited, some of which are as follows:

  • Recite or teach the Koran for a fee .
  • Recite the Koran by shaking your head.
  • Building Qubbas or Türbes
  • In Türbes animals sacrifice install talisman, ask the intercession buried there.
  • Light candles for special Islamic celebrations.
  • Hold a special “celebration” in the event of death.
  • The use of “intermediaries” to God in prayer.
  • To travel with the stated intention of visiting the tomb of the Prophet or other saints.
  • Issuing fatwa without submitting evidence from the Koran or Sunna .
  • Celebrating Mawlids (Kandils), such as B. the Mawlid an-Nabi .

He also goes into the graves and advocacy issues, whose users he considers outside of religion:

“To visit the graves to make prayers through them, to circle around them, to kiss them, to rub his cheek on the grave, to pick up their dust, to implore the inmates of the grave (isti'ana), them for help, assistance, welfare To ask children for prosperity, the removal of problems, relief from pain and illness, and other needs, are all things that the idolaters ( mushrik ) have asked of their idols. None of these things (listed above) are allowed according to the consensus ( ijma ) of the scholars in the Sharia , since neither the Prophet, nor the Sahaba, nor the Tabiyun, nor the Imams (founders of the Madhhab ) did. The basis of these polytheistic bidʿa (renewals) was taken over by the worshipers of the statues (idols). "

- Birgivi, Tarîkat-ı Muhammediyye, Chapter: Ziyarat al-Qubur

Teaching in the present

Birgivi is considered to be the “rediscoverer” of ibn Taimiyya and the inspiration for the Salafist Tariqa-yi muhammadiya . To what extent he is an inspiration for other Salafist movements is unclear, but his inspiration for Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab , the founder of Wahhabism , is controversial. His influence on ʿAlī asch-Schaukānī (1760-1860) and Shāh Walīyullāh ad-Dihlawī, however, is considered certain. While his works are of marginal interest nowadays in Turkey , the Balkans and Arab countries, they are cited in India and Pakistan, especially by the Deobandis .


About Sufis:

  • DE : Still young people with unfinished beards, or who else [...] with a layer of ignorant people who pray through music and melody, with dances, with bizarre sounds, like a donkey, someone who does this perceives, must at least feel the buğz (inner loathing) and move away from this place [...] Shame on you, those who know and see this, meet this with a tolerance. Some of them are afraid of these vulgar people and therefore accept their prayers.
  • TR : "Henüz Sakali bitmemiş gençlerle, havai kimselerle (...) cahil halk tabakasıyla birlikte, nağmelerle dualar yapıp rakseden sufileri ve onların eşeğin anırmasına benzeyen naralarını ve tuhaf seslerini Duyan 'kimsenin en azından içinden Bugz ederek oradan ayrılması gerektiğini Söyler ve şunları ilave eder" Yazıklar olsun o kadılara ki bunları bildikleri ve gördükleri halde men etmeyip müsamaha ile karşılarlar. Bir kısmı da bu pespayelerden korktuğu için dualarını talep ederler ".

About renewals:

  • DE : A Muslim must definitely stay away from the renewals (bid'a). Even when the people's religion is surrounded by them, they must not let themselves be influenced by them. Unfortunately, there is only one type of view held about the Sunnah these days and the people embrace it with all their might.
  • TR : Bir mülümanın bidatlerden kesinlikle sakınması gerekir. Halkın dini hayatını bidatler sarmış olsa bile o, bunlardan etkilenmemelidir. Ne yazık ki bu gün sünnet diye sadece bazı şekil görüntüleri gündemdedir ve halk var gücü ile bunlara sarılmıştır.


  • 1- Tarîkat-ı Muhammediyye
  • 2- Vasiyetname
  • 3- Zuhr-ul-müteehhilîn
  • 4- Avâmil
  • 5- İzhar
  • 6- Emsile-i Fadliye
  • 7- Risâletün fî beyânırusûm- il-mesâhif-il-Osmâniyye
  • 8- Ravdat-ül-cennât fî usûl-il-i'tikâd
  • 9- Şerhuha dîs-ül-erba'în
  • 10- Etfal-ül-mülimîn,
  • 11- Ziyâret-ül-kubûr
  • 12- Nûr-ul-ahyâ
  • 13- Cilâ-ül-kulûb
  • 14- Muaddil-üs-salad
  • 15- İkâz-ün-nâimîn
  • 16- Dürr-ül-yetîm fî ilm-it-tecvîd
  • 17- Hâşiye-i Hidâye
  • 18- İmtihân-ül-ezkiyâ
  • 19- Risâletün fî usûl-il-hadîs
  • 20- Ta'likat ales-Sadr-iş-şerî'a
  • 21- Rilâletün minel âdâb
  • 22- Ulûmu âliyye'den bahseden manzum bir risale
  • 23- Risâletün fî hurmet-it-tegannî ve vucûbi isti'mâ-il-hutab
  • 24- Sihahı acemiyye (Persian)
  • 25- Tefsîru sûret-il-Bekara
  • 26- İnkâz-ül-hâlikîn
  • 27- Şerhu lübâb-ül-elbâb fî ilm-il-i'râb lil-Beydâvî
  • 28- Dâfiat-ül-mübtediîn ve kâşifetü butlan-ül-mülhidîn
  • 29- Kifâyet-ül-mübtedî fis-sarf


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Birgivi, Imam . In: Path of Muhammad ( World Wisdom , 2005) page 349 ISBN 978-0-941532-68-6
  2. Birgivî, Risâle, pp. 42-44; Kitâbü'l-Îmân ve Kitâbü'l-İstihsân, Âtıf Ef. Ktb. No. 596,597; el-İrşâd fî'l-Akā'id ve'l-İbâdât
  3. OCAK, Ahmet Yaşar, Klasik Dönem Osmanlı Düşünce Hayatı, Türkler, Cilt 11, Ankara 2002, p.21.
  4. Hacettepe University: Prof. Dr. Fahri Unan: Dİnde Tasfİyecİlİk Yahut Osmanli Sünnlîlİğİne Sünnî Muhâlefet: Bİrgİvî Mehmed Efendİ
  5. UNAN, Fahri, Dinde Tasfiyecilik Yahut Osmanlı Sünniliğine Sünni Muhalefet: Birgivî Mehmet Efendi, Türk Yurdu, Sayı 36, Ankara, Ağustos 1990, pp. 33-42.
  6. mam Birgivi, Doç. Mehmet Demirci, "Birgivi ve Tasavvuf" Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yay. P. 61, Ankara, 1994.
  7. Memet Karagöz: Osmanlı Fikir Hayatında Kadızâdeliler . Türkler, Cilt 11, Ankara 2002, p. 147
  8. mam Birgivi ve Güzel Ahlakı / Prof. Dr. Ahmet Turan Arslan. ( Memento of the original from November 14, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. Koçibey Risalesi
  10. Aqida Question.
  11. İmam Birgivi, Doç. Mehmet Demirci, "Birgivi ve Tasavvuf" Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yay. P. 65, arrival 1994.
  12. İmam Birgivi, Doç. Nevzat Aşık "İmam Birgivi'nin Hadisçiliği" TÜDAV Yay. P. 39, arrival 1994.