Ingo Müller (lawyer)

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Ingo Müller (* 1942 in Northern Bohemia ) is a German lawyer , author and retired university professor for criminal law and criminal procedure law .


Müller grew up in Schleswig-Holstein. He studied law and political science and a doctorate in 1974 , Dr. iur. and in 1987 as Dr. phil. From 1974 to 1986 Müller worked as a research assistant at the University of Oldenburg in the field of teaching training and as a substitute professor at the University of Bremen . In 1986 he became an administrative lawyer in Bonn . From 1988 Müller was a government director in the justice administration in Bremen . From 1995 to 2008 he was Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law at the University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration ( Police Department ) in Hamburg, 2006/2007 he was its Rector . He has been retired since 2008.

Müller is married to Christina Stresemann .


Müller is the author of numerous specialist articles and books on the development of law in Germany.

In 1987 he succeeded in creating a high-circulation standard work with the bestseller Terrible Jurists , which caused a sensation among the general public and also earned him great popularity outside of the legal press.

For many years Ingo Müller was a member of the board of the Forum Justizgeschichte e. V. - Association for the research and presentation of the German legal and judicial history of the 20th century. He is on the Advisory Board of Business Crime Control .



As an author:

  • Society, Law and Criminal Procedure. An introduction to criminal justice for lay judges and other interested parties. Co-authors: Winfried Grikschat, Albrecht Lüthke and Friedrich-Wilhelm Dopatka . Leske Verlag + Buderich. Opladen 1975. ISBN 3-8100-0038-8 . (Review in the 'Weser-Kurier' [Bremen]: 'Guide for lay judges presented' of November 27, 1975).
  • Rule of law and criminal proceedings. European Publishing House , Frankfurt am Main 1980. ISBN 3-434-25110-3 .
  • Terrible lawyers - the unresolved past of our judiciary. With a foreword by Martin Hirsch . Kindler, Munich 1987. ISBN 3-463-40038-3 .
  • with Albrecht Lüthke: Criminal justice for non-jurists: A manual for lay judges, educators, social workers and other interested parties. Introduction by Gerhard Mauz . Leske and Budrich, Opladen 1997. ISBN 3-8100-1849-X .
  • with Arn Strohmeyer and Jürgen Wendler: 150 years of basic rights, 50 years of the Basic Law. "Reading exhibition" in the Villa Ichon from November 6th to December 4th 1998. Ed. By the friends and supporters of the Villa Ichon in Bremen eV WMIT Druck und Verlag, Bremen 1999. ISBN 3-929542-13-7 .
  • The decline of the criminal justice system in the Third Reich. In: Heribert Ostendorf , Uwe Danker (ed.): The Nazi criminal justice and its aftermath. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2003. ISBN 3-8329-0136-1 .

As editor:


Individual evidence

  1. a b Ingo Müller ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Edition Tiamat website , accessed January 18, 2014.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. a b The author. In: Ingo Müller: Political Justice in Historical Comparison (= Oldenburg University Speeches. No. 19). Library and information system of the University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg 1989, p. 17.
  3. Big name, big responsibility. In: The world . June 3, 2003.