Ingrid Köppe

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Central round table in Berlin with Ingrid Köppe, 1990

Ingrid Köppe (born March 6, 1958 in East Berlin ) is a German civil rights activist , politician ( Neues Forum ) and lawyer .


Ingrid Köppe passed her high school diploma in 1976 and took up a teaching degree ( Russian and German ) at the Pedagogical University in Güstrow , which she later broke off. She refused to consent to Wolf Biermann's expatriation and worked as a librarian's assistant. Between 1978 and 1981 she studied at the technical school for librarians in Leipzig . She then took a position as a librarian for a while. In 1983/1984 she took part in actions against the nuclear armament of the Warsaw Pact and took part in protests against the fraudulent local elections in 1989.

In September 1989 Köppe got involved in the New Forum together with other civil rights activists such as Bärbel Bohley , Reinhard Schult and Rolf Henrich . She was elected spokeswoman for the New Forum at the Central Round Table . In January 1990 she was one of the occupiers of the Stasi archive. She was the godmother of an occupied house in Berlin in 1990. In 1990 she spoke out against a ban on the National Alternative , as the problem was only being pushed underground. She was a member of the editorial board of the newspaper Die Andere .

In 1991 Köppe signed the appeal “No third world war ! - We women demand that the majority of this world have their say. ”And called for total conscientious objection . In 1991 she turned against the founding of Alliance 90 and instead called for an independent New Forum. In 1991 she protested against the takeover of former Stasi and police forces by the Federal Border Guard .

After the federal election in 1990 , Köppe was a member of the Bundestag group for the Bündnis 90 / Grüne list association until 1994 , where she was the domestic policy spokesperson for the Bundestag group . She submitted a draft for the Stasi Records Act and worked on the investigation committee to clarify the events surrounding the organization “ Commercial Coordination ” (KoKo). Your final report, classified as “secret”, was only made public in 1994. As a result, a preliminary investigation was initiated against her on suspicion of violating a special duty of confidentiality, which was discontinued. In 1993, Köppe demanded the abolition of the German intelligence services . In 1993 she voted against the amendment to the right to asylum - Article 16 of the Basic Law . As the only civil rights activist, Köppe refused to accept the Federal Cross of Merit in 1995 because she was of the opinion that the planned award “stood in contrast to the real disdain for the concerns of the citizens' movement in the Federal Republic of Germany”.

After leaving the German Bundestag , she studied law at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) and now works as a lawyer in Wriezen in Brandenburg .


Web links

Commons : Ingrid Köppe  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files