Ivan Ignatevich Jakubowski

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Ivan yakubovsky ( Russian Иван Игнатьевич Якубовский , scientific. Transliteration Ivan Ignat'evič Jakubovskij ; December 25 * 1911 . Jul / 7. January  1912 greg. In Saizewo at Gorki , Mogilev Governorate (now Belarus ); † 30th November 1976 in Moscow ) was Marshal of the Soviet Union and commander in chief of the United Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact .


During an exercise by the NVA in the south of the GDR v. l. No. sitting: I. I. Jakubowski, Otto Grotewohl , Erich Honecker , Heinz Hoffmann
A maneuver visit in October 1970 by Walter Ulbricht , Chairman of the State Council of the GDR, here in conversation with Iwan Ignatjewitsch Jakubowski

Jakubowski joined the Red Army in 1932 and the CPSU in 1937 . From 1939 to 1940 he took part in the occupation of eastern Poland and the Soviet-Finnish war as commander of various tank units . Shortly after the attack on the Soviet Union in June 1941, he was promoted to commander of a tank battalion and in the following year of the 91st tank brigade. In the course of the Second World War he was used on various front sections. This also included missions in Minsk , Moscow , Kursk and Stalingrad . In January and September 1944 he was honored for his numerous successes in the field as Hero of the Soviet Union .

After the war he was among other things from April 15, 1960 to August 9, 1961 and from April 19, 1962 to January 26, 1965 Commander-in-Chief of the Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany . In addition, he was also the commander of the Kiev military district and deputy Soviet defense minister. In April 1967 he was awarded the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union. From 1967 to 1976 he was, as the successor to Andrei Antonowitsch Grechko , Commander in Chief of the United Armed Forces of the Warsaw Treaty. After his death, the supreme command passed to Viktor Kulikov . Jakubowski's urn is buried on the Kremlin wall in Moscow.

Orders and decorations (selection)

Web links

Commons : Iwan Ignatjewitsch Jakubowski  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files