Ivan Evmenjewitsch Zwetkow

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Ivan Evmenjewitsch Zwetkow (WJ Makowski, 1913, Tretyakov Gallery)

Ivan Tsvetkov Jewmenjewitsch ( Russian Иван Евменьевич Цветков * April 28 . Jul / 10. May  1845 greg. In the village Astradamowka, Ujesd Alatyr ; † February 18 . Jul / 3 March  1917 . Greg in Moscow ) was a Russian art collector .


Zwetkows father Yevmeni Pavlovich Zwetkow was a priest at the Trinity Church in Astradamowka. Zwetkow attended the spiritual school in Alatyr (graduated in 1862) and began studying at the Simbirsk spiritual seminary according to the will of his father . Since he wanted to study at university, he left the seminar and was admitted to the 6th grade of the Simbirsk grammar school in October 1864 after passing the entrance exam.

After graduating from high school in 1866, Zwetkow studied at the physics and mathematics faculty of the Imperial University of Moscow in the mathematics department, graduating in 1873. Even during his studies, he began to be interested in art collections. He visited museums in Moscow. On a trip to Europe as a tutor for the son of Prince Gagarin , he visited the museums in Berlin , Vienna and Bern . In 1874 he met Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov's collection when it was first opened to the public.

Zwetkows Villa, Pretschistenskaya Naberezhnaya, Moscow

After completing his studies, Zwetkow joined the Moscow mortgage bank (CEO Lasar Solomonowitsch Polyakow ). Zwetkow made a brilliant career there. He lived very frugally and got rich. In 1881 he began collecting paintings and graphics from exclusively Russian artists. He was influenced by Tretyakov, Yegor Ivanovich Makovsky and Andrei Ivanovich Somov .

In 1895, Tsvetkov became chairman of the Moscow Mortgage Bank Evaluation Committee. When in 1898 there was no longer enough space for his collection in his villa on Kriwoarbatski Pereulok, he decided to build a new house for the collection. His new two-storey villa on the Pretschistenskaya Naberezhnaya on the left bank of the Moscow River , into which he moved with his collection in the spring of 1901, was built according to the design of Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezows . In May 1909, Zwetkow handed over his collection of 300 paintings and 1,200 drawings and the house on the Pretschistenskaya Naberezhnaya to the city of Moscow. The collection included works by Karl Pawlowitsch Brjullow , Viktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow, Wladimir Eegorowitsch Makowski , Ilja Jefimowitsch Repin , Wassili Ivanovich Surikow , Wassili Andrejewitsch Tropinin and Pavel Andrejewitsch Fedotow as well as sculptures . In 1903 Zwetkow was elected a full member of the Imperial Academy of Arts . Zwetkow continued to complete his collection until his death and ran his own collection. He has been elected chairman of the Moscow Society of Art Lovers several times.

Zwetkow was buried in the Wagankowoer cemetery . During the inventory of his collection, 429 paintings, 1,499 drawings and 38 sculptures were found. After the October Revolution , the Zwetkow Gallery, which had been open to the public since August 1917, was nationalized and continued as an independent art museum. In 1926, the Zwetkow Gallery was incorporated into the Tretyakov Gallery as a department for drawings with Zwetko's personal archive and library . Of the paintings, more than 100 remained in the Tretyakov Gallery, while the rest of the paintings were distributed to other Russian museums by the State Museum Fund. In 1995, a commemorative plaque was placed on the facade of the Zwetkow villa for Zwetkow's 150th birthday. The Zwetkow villa now belongs to the French military attaché .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Головченко Н. П .: ЦВЕТКОВ Иван Евменьевич . In: Электронная Чувашская энциклопедия . ( [1] [accessed September 24, 2019]).
  2. a b c Полунина Н.М .: Цветков Иван Евменьевич . In: Москва (энциклопедия) . ( [2] [accessed September 25, 2019]).
  3. Ирина Макеева: О гимназии с любовью . In: Ульяновский литературно-краеведческий журнал " Мономах " . No. 9 , 2007 ( [3] [accessed September 24, 2019]).
  4. Перечень художественных произведений Цветковской галереи . Moscow 1915.