Jewish community of Abterode

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A Jewish community in Abterode , a district of the community of Meißner in the Werra-Meißner district ( Hesse ), existed as early as 1600. In the 18th century it was the largest Jewish rural community in the Landgraviate of Hesse .


The sovereignty in Abterode was subordinate to the Quartfürsten , who allowed Jews to settle on their territory in order to obtain regular income from them.

In the 19th century, the Jews in Germerode and Vockerode also belonged to the Jewish community of Abterode . The Jewish families initially made a living from the cattle trade and the trade in food, manufactured goods and textiles. In the mid-19th century there were Jewish craftsmen: Three butchers, three shoemakers , two cotton weaver , two dyers , five cutters , two bookbinder and a carpenter . Most of the Jewish families also had small farms.

The Jewish community in Abterode had a Jewish elementary school , a ritual bath ( mikveh ) and its own cemetery. She belonged to the district rabbinate of Niederhessen ( Kassel ) and was looked after by the district rabbis in Eschwege .


A first synagogue probably existed in Hinterweg 7, a half-timbered house with a square floor plan. In 1870 a new synagogue (Hinterweg 1) was built, a two-storey solid building made of red sandstone with a hipped roof .

Community development

year Parishioners
around 1630 7 families
around 1665 16 families
1744 39 families, about 23% of the population
1835 234 people
1861 158 people
1871 139 people, 13.4% of the population
1885 183 people, about 18% of the population
1905 167 people
1924 102 people, 11.2% of the population
1939 31 people
1940 10 people

National Socialist Persecution

During the November pogrom in 1938 , the Jewish residents were mistreated and their homes demolished. The Jews in Abterode were arrested and transported to Eschwege.

The memorial book of the Federal Archives lists 32 Jewish citizens who lived in Abterode and who fell victim to the genocide of the National Socialist regime .



  • Klaus-Dieter Alicke: Lexicon of the Jewish communities in the German-speaking area. Volume 1: Aach - Groß-Bieberau. Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 2008, ISBN 978-3-579-08077-2 ( online version ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Commemorative Book - Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933 - 1945 . Retrieved May 2, 2010.