Jewish community of Bad Mingolsheim

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The establishment of the Jewish community in Bad Mingolsheim , today part of the community of Bad Schönborn , dates back to the 18th century. The Jewish community was wiped out by deportations as part of the so-called Wagner-Bürckel Campaign in 1940.


In the village, which belonged to the Speyer monastery until 1803 , four Jewish families were counted in 1740 and six in 1785. The community had a synagogue , a Jewish school (Friedrichstrasse 25) and a ritual bath ( mikveh ). The dead of the community were buried in the Jewish cemetery in Obergrombach until 1878 . In 1878 a separate cemetery was established in Mingolsheim . The Jewish community had employed a teacher who was both a prayer leader and a shochet . In 1827 the community was assigned to the Bruchsal District Rabbinate . The Jewish residents living in Bad Langenbrücken also belonged to the Jewish community of Mingolsheim .

Historical photo of the synagogue, facing the courtyard

The Jewish families lived mainly from the cattle and grain trade. Around 1900, Jewish entrepreneurs founded several cigar factories, two of which were still in operation in 1933.

National Socialist Persecution

Due to the consequences of the economic boycott and reprisals, most of the Jewish citizens have moved away or emigrated. Between 1935 and 1938, all Jewish companies had to close. The synagogue was demolished during the November pogrom in 1938 . Max Östreicher was arrested and sent to the Dachau concentration camp . The last four Jewish residents were deported to Gurs on October 22, 1940 .

The memorial book of the Federal Archives lists eight Jewish citizens born in Bad Mingolsheim who fell victim to the genocide of the National Socialist regime .

Jewish residents in Bad Mingolsheim

year number
1825 43 people
1836 54 people
1871 69 people
1875 77 people 3.9% of the population
1880 70 people
1890 60 people
1900 52 people 2.5% of the population
1910 32 people 1.4% of the population
1925 24 people
1933 13 people
1940 4 people


  • Joachim Hahn and Jürgen Krüger: Synagogues in Baden-Württemberg . Volume 2: Joachim Hahn: Places and Facilities . Theiss, Stuttgart 2007, pp. 38–40, ISBN 978-3-8062-1843-5 ( Memorial book of the synagogues in Germany . Volume 4)
  • Willy Messmer: Jews from our homeland. History of the Kraichgau Jews from Mingolsheim, Langenbrücken and Malsch , Bad Schönborn 1986 [not evaluated]
  • Willy Messmer: The Jewish cemetery , Bad Schönborn 1988 [not evaluated]
  • Willy Messmer, Judenschicksale in Bad Schönborn-Mingolsheim taking into account the Reichskristallnacht in Bad Schönborn and Bruchsal , in: Jahrbuch Landkreis Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe 1988, pp. 61–81 [not evaluated]

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Commemorative Book - Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933 - 1945 . Retrieved October 30, 2012.