Jacobus le Mort

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Jacobus le Mort

Jacobus le Mort also: Jacob la Mort (born October 13, 1650 in Arnhem , † March 1, 1718 in Leiden ) was a Dutch chemist and physician.


He was born the son of the pharmacist Zacharias la Mort, who later became Carel de Maets ' laboratory servant . From 1658 he attended the Latin school in Leiden and on February 26, 1664 he began studying philosophy at the University of Leiden under Johannes Raei (1622–1702) and David Stuart (1627–1669). He later studied theology under Johannes Coccejus , Abraham Heidanus and Johannes Hoornbeek . However, he soon changed his study plans and followed his father's example. After completing his studies, he worked in Johann Rudolph Glauber's pharmacy in Amsterdam in 1667, and after his death in 1672 he set up a chemical laboratory in Leiden.

Here he held pharmaceutical and botanical lectures from 1675 and was accepted into the medical college in 1677. For this purpose he received his doctorate on July 13, 1678 with the treatise De Medicamentis Galenicis under Jacob Vallan at the University of Utrecht as a doctor of medicine. In 1690 he became a lecturer in chemistry and head of the chemical laboratory in Leiden. After he had already been given the license to teach at the medical faculty in 1692, he was appointed professor of chemistry and medicine on May 6, 1702, which activity he began with the introductory speech De concordantia operum naturae, chymiae et medicinae . When he took over the chair, the chemical sciences in Leiden were given a recognized place in the Leiden scientific world for the first time.

As a member of the teaching staff, he also participated in the organizational tasks of the Leiden educational institution and he was rector of the Alma Mater in 1706/07 , which position he resigned with the speech De empirica doctrina medica . In his work as a chemist, he examined the fermentation theory of Franciscus Sylvius , which he could not gain much. In addition, he was a friend of René Descartes' philosophical view of molecular forces and an opponent of the then view of the blood circulation, which he defined as a Doctrina cadaverosa with no real use.

After his death, Herman Boerhaave took over his chair in chemistry.


  • Compendium chemicum. Suffering 1680
  • Christophori Love Morley Collectanea chymica Leydensia, id est, Maetsiana, Marggraviana, Lemortiana: trium chymiae Professorum Leydensium Opus, quingeniis et amplius processibus adornatum, ordine alphabetico. Suffering 1684
  • Chemia Medico-physica, rationibus et experimentis instructa, brevi et facili viâ processus Spagyricos ritè et artificiosè ad finem perducendi normam exhibens. Cui annexa est Metallurgia contracta, succinctam Metallorum cognitionem demonstrans. Leiden 1664, 1699, Amsterdam 1696
  • Metallurgia contracta, rationibus et experimentis instructa. Leiden, 1696,
  • Medico-physica.Pharmacia Medico-Physica, rationibus et experimentis instructa, accuratiore methodo adornata, nec non observationibus medicis illustrata. Leiden 1684, also under the title: Pharmacia rationibus et experimentis auctioribus instructa, methodo Galenico-Chymicâ adornata. Seneca Epistolâ 33. Ego utar viâ veteri, sed si propiorem planioremque invenero, hanc muniam. Qui ante nos noverunt ista, non Domini nostri, sed Duces sunt. Leiden 1688, published
  • Chymia, rationibus et experimentis auscioribus, iisque demonstratisis superstructa, in qua malevolorum calumniae modeste simul diluuntur. Leiden, 1688,
  • Idea Actionis corporum, motum intestinum, praesertim fermentationem delineans. Suffering 1693
  • Chymiae verae nobilitas et utilitas in Physicâ Corpusculari, Theoriâ Medicâ, ejusque materia et signis, ad majorem perfectionem deducendis. o. Y, o. O.,
  • Fundamento nova-antiqua Theoriae Medicae ad Naturae operas revocata, superstructa fluido corporum exercitio, Chymiae nobilioris experientiâ suffultâ. Suffering 1700
  • Oratio de concordantiae operam naturae chymiae et medicinae. Leiden, 1702,
  • Theoriae Mechanica Physico-Medica Delineatio. Suffering 1705
  • Facies et pulchritudo Chymiae from affictis maculis puriflcata, ad veras naturas et suae artis leges exornata. Suffering 1712
