Jakob Huwyler I.

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Jakob Huwyler I. (also: Jakob Huwiler I .; born March 10, 1822 in Rickenbach LU ; † March 31, 1902 in Munich or Chur ) was a Swiss painter and hermit .

Life and works

Jakob Huwyler grew up in his place of birth and completed an apprenticeship as a painter with Johann Bucher in the Schlössli above Beromünster . At the age of 25 he became a hermit. He lived as "Brother Niklaus" first in the Luthern area near Lucerne , later in Stans on the Bergli. During this time he expanded his artistic skills with Paul Deschwanden . From March 1851 he lived in Ranft in Sachseln , in 1854 he went on a two-year study trip to Rome and Munich . Then he went back to Sachseln as a layman , where he stayed with Pastor Anton Omlin, and finally to Sursee . In 1865 he married Louise Fischer there after receiving a dispensation . The son Jakob Huwyler II emerged from the marriage. According to Thieme-Becker , he last lived in Munich and painted altarpieces for churches and chapels, "which did not rise above the rank of mediocrity," and interiors.

Among his works were three altar paintings for the chapel of Edisried and several oil paintings in the parish and pilgrimage church of Sachseln , which were removed in 1904. Among other things, Huwyler painted holy brother Klaus in the prince's hall of Einsiedeln Abbey in 1861 , in 1866 the altarpiece with Saint Joseph in the St. Ottilien chapel in Buttisholz , in 1867 a Lenten cloth with the Passion of Christ for the parish church of St. Martin (Entlebuch) in Entlebuch , 1877 the main sheet for the All Saints altar in the parish church Sursee, 1880 in the parish church Maria Himmelfahrt in Müswangen a ceiling painting with the Assumption of Mary. Several Stations of the Cross, which he painted for the Rickenbach parish church in 1884/85, were found in an attic in Zetziwil in 2001 . After restoration, the pictures were shown again in 2007 as part of the 2nd Regional Museum Night in the Rickenbach parish church.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Huwyler's biography at www.willyhuwiler.ch
  2. Huwyler's catalog of works at www.willyhuwiler.ch