Jakob Nüesch (prehistoric)

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Jakob Nuesch

Jakob Nüesch (born August 11, 1845 in Hemmental ; † October 8, 1915 in Schaffhausen ) was a Swiss educator and prehistoric scientist .

Life and accomplishments

After attending secondary school and the secondary school department at the grammar school in Schaffhausen, Jakob Nüesch moved to the Polytechnic in Stuttgart in 1864 , where he studied natural science and mathematics for two semesters . He then spent one semester at the University of Tübingen , where he was particularly fascinated by Quenstedt's lectures , and two semesters at the Lausanne Academy . After employment as private tutor and teacher for German and mathematics in Lausanne , he was appointed as a teacher at the boys' secondary school in Schaffhausen in the spring of 1869, which position he held until his death. In 1876 he was elected to the Grand Council of the Canton of Schaffhausen , from 1877 to 1884 he was a member of the Education Council of the Canton and from 1884 to 1915 of the Council of Churches.

His first work dealt with bacteriology , which culminated in his dissertation on “Necrobiosis in a morphological relationship” (1875) at the University of Zurich . He wrote other works on national and local history , he came to prehistory later as a lay researcher. He made a name for himself especially through his excavations and the resulting publications of the Swiss picture he discovered in 1891 and the Kesslerloch discovered by Konrad Merk in 1873 . On July 31, 1897 , he was accepted into the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina .

Works (selection)

  • The Swiss image, a settlement from the Palaeolithic and Neolithic times . With contributions by A. Bächtold , J. Früh, A. Gutzwiller, A. Hedinger , J. Kollmann , J. Meister, A. Nehring , A. Penck , O. Schötensack , Th. Studer . With 1 map, 25 tables and 8 figures in the text (=  New Memoranda of the General Swiss Society for the Entire Natural Sciences . Volume XXXV ). Zürcher & Furrer, Zurich 1896.
  • The Dachsenbüel, a cave from the early Neolithic period, near Herblingen, Canton Schaffhausen . With 2 panels and 3 text figures (=  New Memoranda of the General Swiss Society for the Entire Natural Sciences . XXXIX, 1st half). Zürcher & Furrer, Zurich 1903.
  • New excavations and finds in the Kesslerloch near Thayngen, Kt. Shaffhausen . With 30 tables and 5 text illustrations (=  New Memoranda of the General Swiss Society for the Entire Natural Sciences . XXXIX, 2nd half). Zürcher & Furrer, Zurich 1904.


  • Moriz Hoernes : Jakob Nüesch 1845–1915 . In: Viennese prehistoric magazine . 2nd year, 1915, p. 145-146 .
  • Hermann Stamm: Dr. Jakob Nuesch . Memories from his life. JG Stamm, Schleitheim 1915 ( nuesch-balgach.com ).
  • Theophil Studer : Dr. Jakob Nuesch . 1845-1915. In: Negotiations of the Swiss Natural Research Society . tape 98 , 1916, pp. 39-47 .