Jakob Staadt

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Johann Jakob Franz Joseph Staadt (born September 25, 1764 in Trier ; died June 27, 1818 in Saarburg ) was a Prussian district administrator in the Saarburg district .


Jakob Staadt was the son of the city schultheißen and Electoral Trier Hofrat Johann Jakob Staadt and his wife Maria Catharina Staadt, née Counet. After studying law at the University in Göttingen , graduating in 1797, he worked as bailiff as his father in kurtrierischen services. After the electorate was abolished in 1803, he worked as a notary . With the establishment of the districts in the new Prussian provinces, Staadt was assigned the administration of the Saarburg district on a provisional basis in April 1816. Without the reservation of further examination, he was finally appointed district administrator in May 1817. He died after being sick for about a year on duty.


The Catholic Jakob Staadt married Anna Johanna Chevalier (born November 14, 1772 in Saarburg) on ​​March 29, 1798 in Saarburg, a daughter of the doctor Franz Joseph Chevalier and his wife Helene Martina Chevalier, née Schaadt.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Horst Romeyk : The leading state and municipal administrative officials of the Rhine Province 1816–1945 (=  publications of the Society for Rhenish History . Volume 69 ). Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-7585-4 , p. 761 f .