James Valentine

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James Valentine, 2007

James Burgon Valentine (born October 5, 1978 in Lincoln , Nebraska ) is an American musician and the lead guitarist of the American rock group Maroon 5 .

James and his three sisters and one brother were raised Mormons by their parents. Valentine first played in bands from his hometown, such as Kid Quarkstar and Happy Dog . In 2000, Happy Dog changed their name to Square and moved to Los Angeles . There the members of Square and the Kara's Flowers became friends and when the Kara's Flowers were looking for a second guitarist, Valentine joined the band. The tension among the members of Square made the move easy for him. They later renamed themselves Maroon 5 .

In 2005 Valentine played together with bassist Mickey Madden on Rilo Kiley front woman Jenny Lewis ' solo album Rabbit Fur Coat . A high point in his career because Jenny Lewis has always been one of his favorite singers and because the album was produced by Mike Mogis , whom he has known since he was 15. Valentine also works as a composer for other groups, such as Lady Antebellum .

Web links

James Valentine at Discogs (English)

Individual evidence

  1. Report on contactmusic.com contactmusic.com, September 3, 2007 (English; accessed January 23, 2014)
  2. Interview with James Valentine ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Christina Fuoco-Karasinski, soundspike.com, July 18, 2011 (English; accessed January 23, 2014)