Jan-Robert from Renesse

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Jan-Robert F. von Renesse (born April 7, 1966 in Münster ) is a German social judge .


Von Renesse studied law at the Universities of Bochum and Münster . He was with the dissertation decision and responsibility - Judiciary judgment and military decision doctorate .


From 2006 to the spring of 2010, von Renesse was assigned as an assessor to the 12th Senate of the North Rhine-Westphalia Regional Social Court in Essen and, as a reporter, was responsible for the pension payments to forced laborers in ghettos during the time of National Socialism according to the regulations of the Ghetto Pension Act . On the part of the German authorities extensive advertising was carried out with Jewish victims' associations. Of the approximately 70,000 applications for a ghetto pension, the German pension providers rejected 96%. Von Renesse attributes this to the persecution-related lack of evidence of the ghetto survivors, who "mostly had nothing other than the concentration camp number tattooed on their arm (...) as evidence." Von Renesse summarized the activities of the German authorities as follows:

"The German bureaucracy - which only relied on unsuitable forms or old German files - did not even listen to your own reports [of the ghetto survivors] personally and did not believe them in any other way."

- Jan-Robert from Renesse

Von Renesse accused his colleagues of not having consulted historians or other experts to investigate the evidence, but of proceeding on the basis of an incomplete list of ghettos from the online encyclopedia Wikipedia . While previously only questionnaires from the applicants were evaluated, von Renesse also conducted oral hearings with those affected. He also relocated negotiations to Israel, for which he made a total of eight business trips. In many cases, he also commissioned historians to carry out the assessment. Under the negotiations led by Renesse, the approval rate of the applications increased to approx. 60%. His approach also influenced a fundamental decision by the Federal Social Court in 2009, which made it easier to provide evidence for those affected. He refused the request of the Rhineland pension insurance not to negotiate any pending cases for six months. He was withdrawn from the ghetto cases in March 2010 and a member of the 13th Senate.

On November 12, 2010 he wrote a letter to the members of the state parliament and to the Justice Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia ( Thomas Kutschaty , Cabinet Kraft I ), in which he spoke about "massive personal hostility" on the part of the judicial administration and parts of the judges of his Court complained. In March 2016, von Renesse was heard in disciplinary proceedings before the Düsseldorf Regional Court . In June 2014, NRW Minister of Justice Thomas Kutschaty ( SPD ) sued for damage to the reputation of social justice . The proceedings were closed on September 13, 2016 following an agreement between Renesses and the Justice Department, which they agreed not to disclose. Specifically, it was about a statement in his petition to the Bundestag from 2012, which u. a. aimed at the longer retrospective payment of ghetto pensions. He is said to have written there, among other things, that "agreements and actions are being taken in the NRW judiciary in order to consciously harm Holocaust survivors." The petition could have contributed to the fact that the Bundestag amended the Ghetto Pension Act in July 2014 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 952 ), which enabled payments to be made retrospectively from 1997 (the application deadline was from July 1, 1997 to June 2003).

In March 2016, the North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister Hannelore Kraft (SPD) was sent a petition by Colette Avital ( Awoda ), Chairwoman of the Center of Organizations of Holocaust Survivors (COHS) and former Knesset MP and former Israeli presidential candidate , according to which Holocaust survivors themselves and their descendants felt "deeply offended" "by the news that the judge Jan-Robert von Renesse will be brought to justice". The petition goes on to say: “This is the first time a judge has been brought to justice after World War II for helping victims to gain their rights. Richter von Renesse is a decent and courageous man. We owe him deep gratitude and believe that his efforts should be appreciated and not punished ”. In a protest note to Federal Justice Minister Heiko Maas (SPD), the Simon Wiesenthal Center reprimanded a "harassment" against von Renesse.


Von Renesse is the son of the former SPD member of the Bundestag Margot von Renesse . One of his grandfathers was a member of the SS . Von Renesse is married to a Polish woman whose grandfather was murdered in a concentration camp. You have four children.

Fonts (selection)

  • Decision and responsibility - judicial judgment and military decision: comparative study for a customer-oriented justice system , Shaker, Aachen 2001 (dissertation), reading sample
  • Reparation five to twelve: the “Law on the Payment of Pensions from Employment in a Ghetto”, in: Jürgen Zarusky (Ed.): Ghettorenten. Compensation policy, case law and historical research , Oldenbourg, 2010, pp. 13–37
  • as editor, with Günter Brakelmann : Church with profile. Impulses for the necessary reforms , Biblioviel, Bochum 2001 (Communicative Church 2)
  • as editor, with Ralf Pannen: Handbook for legal clerks , 2nd edition (2011 1 ), Heymann, Cologne 2013


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jan-Robert von Renesse: Reparation five past twelve. In: Journal for Legal Policy 2014, pp. 79–82.
  2. ^ The state, the justice system and a Prussian relic, General-Anzeiger Bonn, March 6, 2017, p. 10
  3. Stephan Lehnstaedt : “'Causa Renesse'. The social courts of North Rhine-Westphalia and the ghetto pensions ”, in: Mitteilungen der Deutsch-Israelischen Juristenvereinigung 4 (2013), pp. 86–91.
  4. a b ZDF.de March 16, 2016: Fighters for ghetto pensions in court ( memento of the original from March 16, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / m.zdf.de
  5. ^ Ministry of Justice NRW: End of the disciplinary proceedings against the judge at the State Social Court Dr. Jan-Robert from Renesse. September 13, 2016. Retrieved September 20, 2016 .
  6. Julia Smilga: Jan Robert von Renesse: Judge Mundtot . In: The time . August 23, 2016, ISSN  0044-2070 ( zeit.de [accessed September 20, 2016]).
  7. dradio.de March 18, 2016: Fighter for Holocaust victims is on trial. by Julia Smilga
  8. Bundestag.de: Ghetto pensions are to be re-regulated from May 9, 2014
  9. Richter fights for Nazi victims - and is sued . Die Welt, March 21, 2016.
  10. sueddeutsche.de: Dachau honors Jan-Robert von Renesse , from May 31, 2017
  11. ^ Jüdische Allgemeine: The Düsseldorf Jewish Community honors Jan-Robert von Renesse and »Heimatsucher«, dated April 26, 2017
  12. November 20, 2017: Awarding of the Janusz Korczak Prize for Humanity
  13. Aschaffenburg Courageous Prize