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location Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug ( Russia )
River system Pure
Drain over Aiwassedapur  → Pur  → Arctic Ocean
source Siberian ridge
63 ° 9 ′ 42 ″  N , 80 ° 22 ′ 28 ″  E
Source height 180  m
muzzle Confluence with Jetypur to Aiwassedapur Coordinates: 63 ° 49 ′ 7 ″  N , 78 ° 4 ′ 30 ″  E 63 ° 49 ′ 7 ″  N , 78 ° 4 ′ 30 ″  E
Mouth height 44  m
Height difference 136 m
Bottom slope 0.32 ‰
length 423 km
Catchment area 7210 km²
Discharge at the Chaljassawei gauge NNQ (1970)
HHQ (1975)
14 m³ / s
65 m³ / s
585 m³ / s
Left tributaries Sjakundykinkjo, Nepermezajacha
Right tributaries Chaljassawei
Communities Chaljassawei
Navigable 113 km (from Chaljassawei)

The Jerkalnadeipur ( Russian Еркалнадейпур ) is the 423 km long right source river of the Aiwassedapur in Western Siberia ( Russia ).


The Jekalnadeipur rises in 180  m on the northern flank of the eastern part of the Siberian ridge (Sibirskije Uwaly), which there is also called Wechnetasowski mountain range ("Upper Tas -mountain range "). The spring is located south of the 196  m high Want , in the southeast of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, not far from the border with the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug .

After a few kilometers in a south-westerly direction, the river turns west and flows roughly parallel to the main axis of the Siberian ridge. The river meanders strongly in the swampy and lake-rich West Siberian forest tundra landscape . In the middle reaches the direction of flow of the Jerkalnadeipur changes to north-northwest. It finally unites with the Jetypur to form Aiwassedapur, which in turn represents the right component of the Pur .

Near the mouth of the Jerkalnadeipur is more than 100 meters wide and about two meters deep; the flow velocity is 0.7 m / s. The most important tributaries are the Chaljassawei from the right and the Sjakundykinkjo and Nepermezajacha from the left.


The catchment area of the river covers 7210 km². The Jerkalnadeipur usually freezes over between the second half of October and the second half of May, followed by floods that last until July during the snowmelt. The autumn ice drift lasts an average of nine days, the spring two to seven days.

The average annual runoff at the village of Chaljassawei, 113 km above the mouth is 65 m³ / s, at the mouth about 70 m³ / s. The months with the least water are February to April; During this time, the ice sheet reaches an average thickness of 75 to 80 cm (maximum 130 cm). June, the month with the most water, accounts for more than a quarter of the annual runoff.

Use and infrastructure

The Jerkalnadeipur is navigable at 113 kilometers from the village of Chaljassawei - the only place on the river - to the mouth.

The flowed through southeastern part of Rajon Purowski of the Yamalo-Nenets is sparsely mainly of semi-nomadic living reindeer herders settled. Although several oil deposits have already been discovered there, as in the rest of the Rajon , due to the location of the area away from the previously developed territory, these have not yet been used. Any infrastructure in the form of year-round roads in the catchment area of ​​Jerkalnadeipur has therefore been lacking.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Article Jerkalnadeipur in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D037691~2a%3D~2b%3DJerkalnadeipur
  2. a b Jerkalnadeipur ( Memento of the original from April 15, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on the Yamal rivers website on (Russian) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. ^ List of Inland Waterways of the Russian Federation (confirmed by Order No. 1800 of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2002); on-line