Joachim Wilhelm von Hertzberg

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Joachim Wilhelm von Hertzberg (* 1704 in Lottin ; † September 3, 1759 near Kunersdorf ) was a Prussian colonel and commander of the "von Finck" infantry regiment .



His parents were Ewald Lorenz von Hertzberg (1658-1713) and his wife Lucretia Rahel von Hertzberg († 1744).

Military career

Hertzberg and his brother Caspar Detlaff (* 1684) initially served the Duke of Savoy with a Brandenburg-Prussian battalion . But in 1725 he switched to the Prussian Guard and became adjutant to King Friedrich Wilhelm I. Under Friedrich II he was first captain in infantry regiment No. 33 and on July 4, 1744 major . During the Second Silesian War , Hertzberg was commander of a grenadier battalion, which was composed of the companies of the infantry regiments "Jung-Schwerin" and No. 33. In 1751, he became a major in the infantry regiment "Darmstadt" was added and there on May 22, 1752 to lieutenant colonel and already on 17 July 1755 Colonel promoted.

In the Seven Years' War Hertzberg fought near Reichenberg and Prague . During the Prussian retreat, the regiment brought up the rear. A corps of Pandurs was defeated at Gieshübel . After that he commanded a small corps in Silesia. In the battle of Kunersdorf on August 25, 1759, Hertzberg stormed the Russian batteries at the head of his regiment and was shot in the head. He died on September 3, 1759 as a result of his serious injury.


Hertzberg was married to Charlotte Amalie von Sack from the Vietenitz family. The marriage remained childless.


  • Herrmann Waterstraat: History of the family v. Hertzberg. Volume 2, 1907, p. 227.
  • Anton Balthasar König : Joachim Wilhelm von Hertzberg . In: Biographical lexicon of all heroes and military people . tape II . Arnold Wever, Berlin 1789, p. 133 f . ( Joachim Wilhelm von Hertzberg in the Google book search).