Johann Baptist Alton

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Johann Baptist Alton ( Ladin Jan Batista Alton , Italian Giovanni Battista Alton ; born November 21, 1845 in Colfosco ; † April 4, 1900 in Rovereto ) was an Austrian Romance scholar , Rhaeto- Romanist and linguist .

life and work

Alton attended high schools in Bressanone and Trento . From 1864 to 1870 he studied Classical Languages ​​and French at the University of Innsbruck and the Sorbonne . He graduated with a doctorate and became a high school teacher in Prague, Vienna and Rovereto. From 1885 he was a private lecturer at the University of Vienna and in 1899 applied for the newly established chair for Romance Philology in Innsbruck, but was defeated by Theodor Gartner .

Alton was the victim of a robbery at his home in downtown Rovereto with his niece Maria Alton, who was his housekeeper. The case caused quite a stir at the time. Florian Großrubatscher, convicted of the act, was executed by executioner Josef Lang on November 19, 1900 in Rovereto. Großrubatscher served Robert Musil as a literary model for the murderer Christian Moosbruger in his work The Man Without Qualities .

A memorial stone for Johann Alton is in the cemetery of Kolfuschg.



  • "A word about the characteristics of the characters of Sophocles with special consideration of the idea of ​​the morally good and the morally bad". In: Program of the Imperial and Royal German Neustädter Staatsgymnasium in Prague 1875, pp. 3–55; 1876, pp. 3-59.
  • The Ladin idioms in Ladinia, Val Gardena, Fassa, Buchenstein, Ampezzo . Wagner, Innsbruck 1879 / Forni, Bologna 1990. (Dissertation)
  • Contributions to the ethnology of Eastern Ladinia . Wagner, Innsbruck 1880.
  • "Something about the characters of the Arthurian legend". In: Program of the state high school in the 8th district . Vienna 1883.
  • "Contributions to the local knowledge and history of Enneberg and Buchenstein". In: Journal of the German and Austrian Alpine Association 21, 1890, pp. 85–154.
  • L Ladin dla Val Badia. Contribution to a grammar of Dolomite Ladin . Newly edited and supplemented by Franz Vittur (* 1928), with the assistance of Guntram A. Plangg , with notes for Mareban by Alex Baldissera. Weger, Brixen 1968.


  • (Ed.) Proverbi, tradizioni ed anneddoti delle valli Ladine orientali con versione italiana . Wagner, Innsbruck 1881.
  • (Ed.) Li romans de Claris et Laris . Literary association in Stuttgart, Tübingen 1884 / Editions Rodopi, Amsterdam 1966.
  • (Ed.) Rimes ladines in pért con traduzion taliana . Wagner, Innsbruck 1885.
  • (Ed.) Le roman de Marques de Rome . Literary association in Stuttgart, Tübingen 1889.
  • (Ed.) Anseïs of Carthage . Literary association in Stuttgart, Tübingen 1892.
  • (Ed.) Stóries e chiántes ladines con vocabolario ladin-talian. Metùdes in rima . Wagner, Innsbruck 1895.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Claudia Crazzolara: La fine di tragica GB Alton . In: Istitut Ladin Micurà de Rü (ed.): Ladinia XII (1988) pp. 211-218 PDF
  2. ^ Karl Corino: 'A murderer makes history, Florian Großrubatscher, a model for Musils Moosbruger' . In: Josef Strutz (Ed.): Robert Musil and the cultural tendencies of his time . Fink, Munich / Salzburg 1983.
  3. ^ Giuseppe Maria Gottardi: Il caso Florian Grossrubatscher e la Rovereto della "belle époque" . Osiride, Rovereto 2018 ISBN 978-88-7498-289-9 .