Johannes Burman

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Johannes Burman

Johannes Burman (born April 26, 1706 in Amsterdam ; † January 20, 1779 there ) was a Dutch doctor and botanist . Its official botanical author abbreviation is “ Burm. ".

Live and act

Johannes Burman is the eldest son of the theologian Frans Burman (1671–1719) and his wife Elizabeth Thierens. His brother is the theologian Frans Burman (1708–1793).

He began his studies in Leiden in 1722 with Herman Boerhaave , which he finished in 1728 as a doctor of medicine. He then practiced as a doctor in Amsterdam. After the death of Frederik Ruysch he became professor of botany in Amsterdam and headed the Hortus Botanicus Amstelodamensis .

Carl von Linné visited him in 1735 during his stay in Holland with a letter of recommendation from Herman Boerhaave. Burman was impressed by the young man and offered him accommodation in his house, which Linnaeus accepted with thanks. In 1740 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina . From 1776 he was an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg .

Johannes Burman was married to Adriana van Buuren. Their son Nicolaas Laurens Burman was also a botanist and studied under Linnaeus in Uppsala .

Dedication names

Carl von Linné named the genus Burmannia of the Burmanniaceae plant family in his honor .


  • Thesaurus zeylanicus: exhibens plantas in insula Zeylana nascentes, inter quas plurimae novae species & genera inveniuntur, omnia iconibus illustrata, ac descripta . (Amsterdam, 1737)
  • Rariorum Africanarum Plantarum, ad vivum delineatarum, iconibus ac descriptionibus illustratarum . (Amsterdam, 1738–1739)
  • Herbarium amboinense: plurimas conplectens arbores, frutices, herbas, plantas terrestres & aquaticas, quae in Amboina et adjacentibus reperiuntur insulis adcuratissime descriptas iuxta earum formas, cum diuersis denominationibus cultura, usu, ac generutectorum pleturima insuletium animal & ins naturalibus eorum figuris depicta / omnia magno labore ac studio multos per annos conlegit . - Translation of Georg Eberhard Rumphius ' work into Latin (Amsterdam, 6 volumes, 1741–1750)
  • Plantarum americanarum fasciculus primus [-decimus]: continens plantas, quas olim Carolus Plumierius, botanicorum princeps detexit, eruitque, atque in insulis Antillis ipse depinxit / Has primum in lucem edidit, concinnisdescription, & observationibus, aeneisque tabulesis Buravibus . (Amsterdam, 1755-1760)
  • Flora Malabarica, sive index in omnes tomos Horti Malabaricii . (Amsterdam, 1769)


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carl von Linné: Critica Botanica . Leiden 1737, p. 92
  2. Carl von Linné: Genera Plantarum . Leiden 1742, p. 136

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