Carl Päpke

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Carl Päpke

Johann Carl Gottfried Paepke , recently also Päpke in literature (born February 27, 1797 in Greifswald ; † June 27, 1858 there ) was a German municipal official and mayor of Greifswald.


Carl Päpke studied law at the Prussian University of Greifswald . He became a member of the short-term Corps Sueco-Pomerania, which Michaelis reunited with the Corps Pomerania Greifswald in 1815 . He had served in the Guard Rifle Battalion . Promoted to officer in the Prussian Landwehr in 1820 , he served in the 2nd Landwehr Regiment. In 1818 Päpke passed the notary's examination at the Greifswald Higher Appeal Court and the lawyer and judge examination at the Greifswald Court . In his hometown, he became city and orphan court secretary in 1818. On December 31, 1821, he became a “council relative” for life, one year later he was granted citizenship in the first class of Greifswald. On the occasion of the celebrations for the 700th anniversary of the Christianization of Western Pomerania and Rügen , the Faculty of Law at the University of Greifswald received Dr. . iur. hc awarded. With great diligence he trained himself to be a capable lawyer who combined thorough knowledge with the ability to apply it in practice. In addition, he was "of good disposition and impeccable walk". As a council member, he held various offices and got to know the city administration thoroughly. From Easter 1833 he led the board of directors of the chamber. As city treasurer, he was responsible for Greifswald's finances for 13 years. On June 9, 1846 he received the royal appointment to the “2nd juridical mayor ”. After the division of tasks between the first and second mayor ceased to exist in 1851, Päpke acted as sole mayor. He died of a stroke at the age of 61 .


His services to urban development lie in the gas works inaugurated in 1858 and in the preparations for the connection of Greifswald to the Angermünde-Stralsund railway (1863). During his term of office, the preparations for the expansion of the ports in Greifswald and Wieck as well as the construction of a waterworks and a municipal water pipe fall .


From the King of Prussia Päpke received the Order of the Red Eagle, 4th and 3rd class. The city paid tribute to his services by naming the station forecourt in Päpke-Platz and by erecting a monument on July 12, 1867 on the consistory site in Bahnhofstrasse. Hugo Helfritz spoke at the unveiling . The bronze bust modeled by the sculptor Bernhard Afinger was probably dismantled in 1942 and melted down for the armor. The granite stele of the monument was removed from the garden by the consistory of the Pomeranian Evangelical Church in June 2013 and stored in the municipal building yard. In 2015 it was to be repositioned on Carl-Paepke-Platz. In December 2016, the main committee decided to commission the mayor to arrange for a new bronze bust to be produced and to be placed on the stele. The official handover of the complete monument took place on July 12, 2017, the 150th anniversary of its first inauguration.


  • Plutus: Comoedia Aristophanis. Praeeunte Johanne Erichson. In latinum translata a Johanne Godofredo Carolo Paepke. Kunike, Greifswald 1816.

See also


  • Jürgen Stübs: Paepke, Johann Carl Gottfried. In: The old cemetery . Greifswald 2004. ISBN 3-00-014790-X . P. 35.
  • Uwe Kiel and Dieter Grusenick: Carl Päpke (1797–1858) - deserving Greifswald mayor and railway pioneer. Greifswald 2013. ISBN 978-3-9810677-2-9 .

Web links

Commons : Carl Paepke  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files


  1. 1945 renamed Karl-Liebknecht-Platz, 1950 Leninplatz, 1982 to 2013 bus station, then dismantling and renaming as Carl-Paepke-Platz; see Claudia Förste: “Vom Platz zum Platz” - open space planning considerations for creating a new space on the site of the bus station of the University and Hanseatic City of Greifswald ( online )

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 95a / 19
  2. Memorial stones and works of art from the University and Hanseatic City of Greifswald as of October 30, 2013 , accessed on February 8, 2014
  3. Template HA-180-16: Completion of the Carl-Paepke-Monument , accessed on December 27, 2016