Johann Christoph Hund from Saulheim

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Family coat of arms of the dog of Saulheim

Johann Christoph dog from Saulheim , also Hundt of Saulheim (* in the 16th century; † February 1624 ) was a German nobleman , canon and Bailiff of Speyer Prince Bishop .

Origin and family

He came from the 1750 extinct Rheinhessen noble family of the dog from Saulheim headquartered in Saulheim . Originally Ministeriale of the Archbishop of Mainz , they later belonged to the knight canton of Upper Rhine .

Johann Christoph Hund von Saulheim was born as the son of Jakob Hund von Saulheim and his wife Margareta von Hattstein , niece of the German Johanniter Grand Prior Johann von Hattstein († 1546), and sister of the Speyer prince-bishop Marquard von Hattstein († 1581). The father Jakob Hund von Saulheim officiated as episcopal superior bailiff and Vogt zu Marientraut in Hanhofen from 1571 .

Johann Christoph's sister Katharina Hund von Saulheim married Reinhard von Sickingen (1545–1607), the grandson of the famous Franz von Sickingen .


Marientraut Castle, 1630
The old castle in St. Martin

Johann Christoph Hund von Saulheim was first canon in Mainz and Speyer . In order to maintain the family line, however, he resigned from the clergy in 1581 with a papal dispensation and married.

Afterwards he also held the position of a prince-bishop of Speyer and bailiff at Marientraut Castle. Johann Christoph Hund von Saulheim married Christina von Dienheim, daughter of Peter von Dienheim and Agatha von Reiffenberg . Her father Peter von Dienheim was the brother of the Speyer prince-bishop Eberhard von Dienheim († 1610). After her death, Hund von Saulheim married Anna Praxedis von Partenheim , daughter of Philipps von Partenheim and his wife Maria geb. from Stockheim.

From the first marriage u. a. the Mainz cathedral provost Adolph Hund von Saulheim († 1668) and his brother, the Speyer cathedral dean Johann Reinhard Hund von Saulheim († 1630).

Johann Christoph Hund von Saulheim had an aristocratic residence built for himself and his wife Christina von Dienheim in Sankt Martin (Palatinate) , the so-called Alte Schlösschen (today Schneider winery) at Maikammerer Strasse 5-7. Several of their heraldic stones have been preserved there.

In 1609 Hund von Saulheim is still documented as a senior bailiff in Marientraut. On August 15, 1612 he also acted in this office at the consecration of the Speyer bishop Philipp Christoph von Sötern in the castle church of Udenheim . In 1618 he is still mentioned as Marientrauter Oberamtmann. He died in mid-February 1624 and was buried on February 18.

Crest stones at the old St. Martin castle

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Octavian Salver : Samples of the high German empire nobility , Würzburg, 1775, p. 534; (Digital scan with family tree)
  2. ^ Günter Christ:  Marquard v. Hattstein. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 16, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-428-00197-4 , pp. 242-244 ( digitized version ).
  3. ^ Franz Xaver Remling : History of the Bishops of Speyer , Volume 2, Mainz, 1854, p. 383; (Digital)
  4. Website on the history of the village of St. Martin, with a mention of Jakob Hund von Saulheim as Oberamtmann in Marientraut ( memento of the original from October 1, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. ^ Genealogical website about the couple
  6. ^ Website about the Hund von Saulheim family, with mention of Johann Christoph Hund von Saulheim
  7. Certificate on Johann Christoph Hund von Saulheim, as Oberamtmann, 1596  in the German Digital Library
  8. ^ Johann Octavian Salver : Samples of the high German empire nobility , Würzburg, 1775, p. 534; (Digital scan with family tree)
  9. ^ Genealogical page on parents
  10. ^ Website on the Bassenheimer Hof in Kiedrich with mention of Adolph Hund von Saulheim and his ancestors
  11. Jacob Christof Iselin: Newly augmented historical and geographical general Lexicon , Volume 2, p. 866, 1726; (Digital scan)
  12. Ludwig Stamer : Church history of the Palatinate , Volume 3, Part 1, p. 188, Pilger-Verlag, Speyer, 1955, (detail scan)
  13. Illustrated website for the old castle in St. Martin
  14. Document dated January 13, 1609
  15. ^ Franz Xaver Remling: History of the Bishops of Speyer , Volume 2, Mainz, 1854, p. 450, (digital scan)
  16. Pfälzer Heimat , born 1970, p. 60; (Detail scan)
  17. ^ Johannes Weingart, Karl Josef Zimmermann: The valid book of the Landkapitels Weyher , Volume 37 of: Writings of the Diözesanarchiv Speyer , Speyer, 2008, S. LVIII, ISBN 3876370892 ; (Detail scan)